Values ​​and principles

The values that are important for people tend to affect the kinds of decisions they make, how they perceive their environment and their actual behavior. Values ​​are general principles to regulate our daily behavior.They not only give direction to our behavior, but are also ideals and goals in themselves. They are the expression of the ends, goals or ultimate purposes of social action. The principles are the bases of ideals, foundations, rules and / or policies from which ideologies, theories, doctrines, religions and sciences are born. They are also used to refer to foundations and / or laws about how an ideology, theory, doctrine, religion or science works. Today in this blog we want to leave you information about the principles and values ​​that will help you understand the meaning of these two concepts. So keep enjoying this blog and discover very useful information.

MEANINGThey are statements or propositions of a fundamental and universal moral truth, which are a guide for action. They refer to human behavior and govern interactions between people. The principles represent an objective reality that transcends cultures and individuals.Values ​​are beliefs and opinions that people have regarding specific issues or ideas. Values ​​can change as the environment, demands, or needs change. They are fundamental beliefs that help us to prefer, appreciate and choose some things over others or one behavior over another.
WHAT ARE THEY FORIts objective is to safeguard important values. They serve as foundation elements and as a decision-making procedure.They are a guide for our daily behavior. They guide us to act at home, work and in society.
DIFFERENCESThe principles are objective and self-evident. They are objective realities and rules by which a person livesValues ​​are internal and subjective for a person. They are beliefs and opinions that a person appreciates

What are values?

Values ​​are beliefs and opinions that people have regarding specific issues or ideas and are ultimately internal, subjective, and malleable. They can change as demands or needs change. If a certain belief or opinion is something that could be modified if the conditions are right, then it is a value. Values ​​are important for expressing our individual beliefs and opinions , and they can be used tactically to achieve certain goals based on our current circumstances, demands, and needs. Values ​​can reflect or determine current but potentially modifiable goals that we have in our professional, family, and personal lives.

Values ​​refer to a person’s faith, beliefs, and opinions regarding certain ideas or issues. It is something internal and can be influenced or influenced by certain conditions or the state of life that a person has at that time. Values ​​can change as environment, demands, or needs change. Our values ​​are the basis for our judgments about what is desirable, beautiful, appropriate, correct, important, valuable, and good, as well as what is undesirable, ugly, wrong, inappropriate, and bad.

Characteristics of the securities

These are extremely practical and valuation requires not only techniques, but also an understanding of the strategic context.

  • These can provide standards of competence and morality.
  • These can go beyond specific situations or people.
  • Personal values ​​can be influenced by culture, tradition, and a combination of internal and external factors.
  • These are relatively permanent.
  • These are more fundamental to the core of a person.
  • Most of our core values are learned early in life from family, friends, the neighborhood school, the mass press, the visual media, and other sources within society.
  • Values ​​are loaded with effective thoughts about ideas, objects, behavior, etc.
  • They contain a critical element in the sense that they convey an individual’s ideas about what is right, good, or desirable.
  • The values may differ from one culture to another and even from one person to another.
  • Values ​​play an important role in integrating and fulfilling man’s basic urges and desires in a stable and consistent way for his life.
  • They are generic experiences of social action made up of individual and social responses and attitudes.
  • They build societies, integrate social relationships.
  • They shape the ideal dimensions of personality and depth of culture.
  • They influence people’s behavior and serve as criteria for evaluating the actions of others.
  • They have a great role to play in the conduct of social life. They help create norms to guide daily behavior.
  • The values of a culture can change, but most remain stable throughout a person’s lifetime.

What are the sources of values?

The sources of values ​​are family, friends and colleagues, school, community, organizations and the media.

Family: family is a great source of values. A child learns his first value from his family.

Friends and colleagues: Friends and colleagues play a vital role in achieving values.

Community or society: As part of society, a person learns values ​​from society or from different groups in society.

School: As a student, the school and the teachers also play a very important role in introducing values.

Media: Media such as print media and electronic media also play the role of increasing values ​​in people’s minds.

Relatives: Relatives also help create values ​​in people’s minds.

Organization: Different organizations and institutions also play a vital role in creating value.

What are the principles?

The principles are self-evident and, as part of most traditions and philosophies over the centuries, they have been woven into the fabric of societies throughout human history. They often refer to human behavior and govern interactions between people. The principles represent an objective reality that transcends cultures and individuals. There are certain principles that transcend cultural differences and do not change over time. They determine the end results or consequences of behavior and actions, much as gravity determines that something will fall when dropped.

The principles are usually part of most traditions and philosophies. The concepts of integrity, honesty and justice are principles that transcend people and cultures. The principles govern how people behave and interact in various situations, often with a firm and consistent stance.

Fundamental ethical principles

The fundamental principles or constitutional principles are those that refer to the ethical, social, legal and ideological values ​​enshrined in the constitution of a nation, from which the entire legal system is derived.

Principle of life: it refers to the right to life as a support to the other principles, which is why it should always give priority to everything that favors life both in a personal and collective sphere.

Principle of freedom: this principle proclaims the freedom of the human being from the moment of birth, so any measure that prevents being free is violating this principle.

Principle of humanity: the human being is the measure of all things and therefore, his life and dignity must be preserved and respected.

Principle of good: doing good, understood as what is considered correct for the common good, and avoiding any conduct that contradicts this principle.

Principle of equality: all human beings are equal before the law, without distinction of race, gender, nationality, social condition or any other characteristic.

Principle of morality: refers to all the rules that must be followed to ensure stability and social coexistence, exercising the duties and rights established for this purpose.

Differences between values ​​and principles

The main difference between values ​​and principles is that values ​​are internal and subjective to a person, while principles are objective and self-evident. The values are beliefs and opinions that one appreciates person, but because of changing needs and environment, values may also change over time. Principles, on the other hand, are objective realities and rules that a person lives by, and something that is firm and often permanent. The principles can be used as a benchmark to determine current goals and values.

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