Category: Sciences

Fungi and bacteria

Fungi and bacteria are living things found all over the planet. The main difference is found in the type of cell: fungi are made up of eukaryotic cells or cells with a nucleus, while bacteria are cells without a nucleus or prokaryotes. Some fungi and bacteria are useful to humans. Lactobacilli are bacteria that are found protecting

Distance and displacement

When we speak of distance we refer to the length between any two points in space, while displacement refers to the distance from an initial position to a final position regardless of the path. Distance is a scalar measure because it is independent of direction. It is expressed with a number and its corresponding unit, either meters, kilometers or any other. Instead, the

Diploid and haploid cells

There are two types of cells in the body, haploid cells and diploid cells. The biggest difference is related to the number of chromosomes each cell contains, while diploid cells contain two chromosomes (2n), haploid cells contain one chromosome (1n). diploid cells haploid cells Definition They contain two complete sets of chromosomes (2n). They have half the number of chromosomes

Alternating current and direct current

Alternating current is the flow of electrical charge that varies in direction, with changes in voltage and current. Direct current is an electrical flow that remains constant and there are no changes in voltage. The difference between alternating current and direct current not only has to do with the characteristics of the electrical flow, but

Descriptive and inferential statistics

The descriptive statistics is the set of statistical methods that describe and / or characterize a group of data. The inferential statistics seeks to infer and draw conclusions about general situations beyond the set of data. Statistics is a discipline that is responsible for processing and organizing data, data being any measure or value that can be obtained through experiments, surveys,

Classification of living things

The classification of living beings is carried out in 8 levels, from lowest to highest evolutionary specificity, each of the groups being called a taxon (taxa in the plural): Domain Kingdom Wire Class Order Family Gender Species The criteria for the classification of living beings is based on various characteristics: morphology : the shape of your

Concave and convex

The difference between concave and convex lies in our view of curvature: when the curvature is inward , we say that it is concave ; when the curvature is outward , we say it is convex . We use the words concave and convex to describe the shape or curved lines, usually in the area of ​​science: mathematics, physics, among others. Concave and convex

Kingdoms of nature

Living things are currently classified into six different kingdoms of nature: animalia (animals), plants (plants) fungi (mushrooms), protists (protozoarios), bacteria (bacteria) and archaea (archaea). In the past, living organisms were classified into five kingdoms: animals, plants, fungi, protozoa, and bacteria. With the implementation of molecular techniques it was discovered that archaea (classified as bacteria) are actually more similar to eukaryotes despite being

Scalar and vector magnitude

The scalar magnitude is the quantity that we can measure of a certain property that does not depend on its direction or position in space. The vector magnitude is the quantity that we can measure that depends on the direction or position in space. For example, a vehicle traveling from Mexico City to Mérida will travel a distance of 1,323 km (scalar