Category: Psychology

Warm and cold colors

The warm colors are those associated with a feeling of high temperature, while the cool colors are those that relate to a low temperature. According to this explanation studied by the psychology of color, the blue and green tones are mainly those that are classified as cold colors, and the tones that contain red and yellow are within the

Primary and secondary colors

The main difference between primary and secondary colors is that secondary colors arise from mixing the primary colors, whereas primary colors cannot be obtained from any mixture . Primary colors Secondary colours Definition Colors that are not obtained from mixing between colors. Colors that are obtained from mixing equal parts of two primary colors. Examples Red, yellow and blue.

Conduct and behavior

Both conduct and behavior are terms used to refer to the actions or reactions that a subject has when interacting with the environment . The actions of a subject depend both on external stimuli, as well as on his own attitude. Both terms, then, are related to the interaction between a subject and a context. However, it is common

65 qualities and defects of a person

Qualities are traits of a person, object or circumstance to which we give a positive assessment. Defects are those traits to which we usually give a negative evaluation and can be present as a response to the lack of certain qualities. Examples of the most common qualities of a person These are some examples of

Attitude and aptitude

The difference between attitude and aptitude is that attitude refers to the temperament of a person in certain situations and aptitude is the talent , ability or skill that one has for something. These two concepts are often confused due to their written similarity and because both are important qualities for an optimal interrelation with the environment, in addition

Emotion and feeling

The emotion is defined as an organic neuroscience response creating biochemical reactions in the body altering the current physical state. The feelings are mental associations and reactions to emotions as our personal experiences. The difference between emotion and feeling is that emotions are biological reactions to stimuli, while feelings are mental reactions or perceptions to those same stimuli. Emotion Feeling Definition Biological response

Happiness and joy

The difference between happiness and joy lies in their duration and importance. Happiness is a permanent state, synonymous with prosperity or happiness. Joy is a temporary state, synonymous with joy, well-being or joy. Happiness is an emotional state that causes a permanent and stable effect due to the personal importance that is given to the causes of said

Power and authority

The difference between power and authority is that power is a capacity and authority is a skill. In this sense, power can be acquired, whereas authority depends on a person’s ability to influence others. Power is the ability to subordinate other people or to dominate a situation. Authority is the ability to influence others without the need for them

Sociopath and psychopath

The difference between a sociopath and a psychopath is that the nature of the sociopathic personality disorder is a consequence of the environment and the nature of the psychopathic personality disorder is considered a genetic predisposition . Sociopathic and psychopathic concepts are popular psychological terms that belong to the group of Antisocial Personality Disorders . Sociopaths differ from psychopaths by their more spontaneous, generally more violent

Ello, me and superego

It, I and superego are instances that form the human psyche , according to the personality theory, developed by Sigmund Freud in his studies on psychoanalysis. The id is the innate component of individuals , people are born with it. It consists of the desires, wills and instincts mainly originated by pleasure. From this, the other parts that make up the