Individual guarantees and human rights

Human rights are rights that people have simply because we exist as human beings and are not granted by any state. These universal rights are inherent to all of us, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or any other condition. These rights range from the most fundamental, such as the right to life, to those that make life worthwhile, which are the rights to food, education, work, health and freedom. Individual guarantees are those minimum basic rights that are enshrined in the constitution of a given nation. Today in this blog we want to bring you information about universal rights and individual guarantees, so you can learn what the meaning of each of these two concepts is and how they differ. So enjoy this blog and discover very useful information for you and to share with whoever you want.

Universal rightsIndividual guarantees
What are they?They are freedoms, faculties, institutions or claims related to primary or basic goods that every person has for the simple fact of existing.They are the rights that a country grants to its inhabitants through the law and that enjoy legal protection before the country’s judges and courts.
What characteristics do they have?They are characterized by being Universal, Inalienable, that is, they cannot be alienated and no one can be deprived of them. They are also inalienable, non-transferable, imprescriptible since they are for life, they do not have an expiration date for any reason. Finally, they are
indivisible since no right can be enjoyed at the expense of another right, none can be dispensed with.
They are characterized by being unilateral, inalienable, non-transferable, durable since they do not expire, nor do they prescribe, and sovereign, that is, they obey a political constitution of a specific nation and conform to the rules of that territory.
That affect?They affect and understand every human being in whatever country.They affect the inhabitants of a certain nation or country.

What are individual Guarantees?

Individual guarantees are rights that every individual has for the simple fact of being born, regardless of nationality, race, sex, age, religious or political beliefs. Individual guarantees should not be confused with universal human rights. Individual guarantees are minimum basic rights enshrined in the Constitution of a given nation. These rights are essential to the political system and are linked to human dignity, that is, they are natural to any citizen regardless of their condition, identity or culture.

Individual guarantees are a matter of public and subjective law, the State is in charge of their compliance. Individual guarantees are characterized by being unilateral, inalienable, non-transferable, durable since they do not expire, nor do they prescribe, and sovereign, that is, they obey a political constitution of a specific nation and conform to the rules of that territory.

Individual guarantees are classified as:

Guarantees of equality : are those that ensure equality before the law of all individuals.

Guarantees of freedom : are those that allow the individual to express their ideas, freely exercise a lawful trade, move freely, practice the religion of their choice, and exercise any other right without the need for approval from others, as long as it is not approved. harm anyone in the process.

Property guarantees: are those guarantees of an economic nature that allow the individual to own movable or immovable property, carry out lawful transactions and exercise decision on their own assets.

Guarantees of legal security : are those that ensure individuals physical and / or psychological well-being before the forces of the State. It also ensures that they have the right to due process in the event of a breach of law.

 What are human rights?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948, was the first legal document that established the fundamental human rights that must be universally protected. This declaration is the foundation of all international human rights standards and its 30 articles provide the basic principles and components of current and future human rights conventions, treaties and other legal instruments. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights together with the two covenants, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, make up the International Bill of Rights.

The Universal Declaration was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. Motivated by the experiences of the preceding world wars, the Universal Declaration was the first time that countries agreed to a comprehensive declaration of inalienable human rights. The Universal Declaration begins by recognizing that “the inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” It declares that human rights are universal: they must be enjoyed by all people, no matter who they are or where they live. The Universal Declaration includes civil and political rights, such as the right to life, liberty, freedom of expression, and privacy. It also includes economic, social and cultural rights,

Differences between individual guarantees and human rights

Human rights and individual guarantees are two concepts that have a special meaning. These two concepts differ and here we are going to tell you what these differences are. Individual guarantees are found in the constitution, which is the mother norm of all norms, and are all those rights that a person will have from the moment they are born, that they may demand and that will aim at order, peace and ensure the peaceful coexistence between the citizens of a territory. Human rights are equal rights to all human beings without any discrimination of nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or any other condition.

The most notable difference between these two concepts is that human rights are a universal declaration. Instead, individual guarantees are granted by the constitution of each country. Another difference is that human rights are not subject to the scope of validity of the norms of a country, while individual guarantees are subject to the constitutional text that establishes them. Finally, it can be said that human rights are inherent in every person. On the other hand, individual guarantees are legal mechanisms established in a constitution in order to guarantee human rights.

I hope you liked all the information on human rights and individual guarantees that we give you in this great blog …

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