Moral and ethic

The moral is the set of general principles that guide our behavior and our relationships. The Ethics is the practice, the mode of application. It is difficult to give a definition of ethics because ethics is not only moral but, above all, a propensity to do good, to take care of others.

Therefore we will analyze certain differences in the meaning of the two terms ethics and morals that are often confused and are applied interchangeably.

 What is itEthics is the practice, the modality of the application of morality. Morality is the set of general principles that guide our behavior and our relationships
 Origin Universal Cultural
 Weather Permanent Temporal
 Use Theoretical Practical
 Meaning of the term Behavior or way of being Custom

What is morality:

It is the set of general principles that guide our behavior and relationships , determining what is right and what is wrong.
The term moral comes from the Latin word moràlia and indicates direct conduct by the rules, the guide according to which man must act.

In short, morality studies the relationship between behavior, values ​​and, finally, community. Morality in this case is thought as an object of study of ethics. There are also two types of morality: religious, where surely the efficacy of the norm comes from.

Morality is the set of ideal values ​​or principles on the basis of which the individual and / or the community freely decide the choice of their own behavior. These values ​​originate in social and political reality, refer to economic and legal or religious organization, refer to the traditions of a community and, therefore, change in their historical path.

Types of morale

The term moral comes from the Latin word “moràlia” and indicates direct conduct by the rules, the guide according to which man must act. In short, morality studies the relationship between behavior, values ​​and, finally, community. Morality in this case is thought as an object of study of ethics.

There are two types of morality:
Religious, where surely the effectiveness of the rule comes absolutely from God.
The secular who claims that the existence of moral standards can exist even in the absence of God, since the standards are based. on the nature of man. The term moral, understood as an adjective, is relevant to people’s behavior and how they behave, so it is exposed to careful evaluation or judgment.

Examples of morals

* No cheating.
* Be loyal.
* Be altruistic or supportive.

What is ethics:

The ethics is the discipline that studies the good and evil and the relationship between morality and human behavior . Ethics is the practice, the modality of the application of morality. It is difficult to give a definition of ethics because ethics is not only moral but, above all, a propensity to do good, to take care of others. Being ethical doesn’t just mean doing what needs to be done, but doing your best, that’s good. The word ethics comes from the Latin ethĭcus and it derives from “ethos” which means “Character”.
By ethics we mean that branch of philosophy that analyzes the behavior that is considered correct, the way of thinking and the correct values ​​that must be followed in any circumstance. The focus of ethics is undoubtedly the study of the norms that the individual must use in their daily life.

In addition, ethics is also understood as the search for one or more criteria that allow the person to manage their freedom in an appropriate way, since it aims at the moral values ​​that determine the behavior of the individual. Ethics focuses on the meaning of man’s existence, on his deep ethical-existential meaning, on the life of each individual and the universe that surrounds him. In short, ethics, if associated with the community, defines the common morality that the individual must follow in any case.

The term ethics is often used in the philosophical and professional field, but in recent years it has influenced several other sectors and therefore has often been talked about ethics and media communication, environmental ethics and neuro-ethics.

Types of ethics

It is a branch of philosophy that studies the rational foundations that allow us to assign a deontology to human behaviors, that is, to distinguish between good, correct, legal, with respect to behaviors that are considered unfair, illegal, inconvenient or bad according to a ideal behavior model.

Although we can speak of different types of ethics:
* Epicurean Ethics
* Stoic Ethics
* Normative Ethics
* Religious
* Christian Ethics
* Hindu Ethics
* Muslim Ethics
* Applied Ethics
* Empirical Ethics
* Civic Ethics * Professional Ethics;
* Medical ethics
* Military
* Utilitarian ethics * Metaethics

Examples of ethics

* Keep a professional secret.
* In a school where the teacher recognizes the authority of the principal.
* Respect a disabled person.

Human faculties responsible for ethics

Moral philosophy generally attributes the ability to distinguish good from evil to some human faculties: reason, inspiration, intuition, and conscience above all else. The ability to update ethical behavior at will is attributed, understood as the ability to dominate one’s nature and pursue choices. All these faculties, in effect, work but on the condition that they have been educated and planned correctly. Provided, that is, that we have received a teaching of ethics and morals, whose function is precisely to teach us “what to do and how to do” and to simplify our existence, which in itself presents a complexity. high. In other words, provide us with a “map” to guide us.

What is the purpose of practicing ethics?

Perfecting the human rational part and the gradual development of human virtues. Some parameters that determine ethical behavior are:
* The intention that we have to carry out an act.
* The means at our disposal.
* Individual effort, will and courage required. Many times we have wondered what the difference is between ethics and morality. Very often the two terms are used synonymously, but in reality they are not.

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