Types of fundamental social values

Values ​​are the principles, virtues or qualities that characterize a person , that is, an action that is considered of great importance for a social group. They are the qualities that drive us to act in one way or another or determine what we consider correct or incorrect.

This is how values ​​characterize us, they relate us to the people around us with whom we share countless similarities . Each person has established a scale of values in which they determine what behaviors they should take according to their principles or situation in which they find themselves, in order to lead a harmonious life with those around them.

However, although there is a great variety of shared values, each person attributes a different order of importance to it, for example in a group of friends everyone values friendship, but for some loyalty and respect will be more important while for other friends it is the trust and honesty.

The first values ​​we learn are those that are taught to us in our families, then as we move into society we learn of other types of values. In these societies there are a variety of values ​​according to social classes, ideologies, religion and generation.

Most important types of securities

Moral values 

These are made up of a set of norms and customs that are transmitted from society to individuals in order for them to be respected and complied with. These values ​​seek to maintain the balance of good behavior of people so that they differentiate the good from the bad. They are values ​​that a person is acquiring based on their experience, these modes of behavior are inherited and transmitted to society by citizens, they also determine the way to behave correctly or incorrectly.

Ethical Values

Ethical values ​​make up guidelines for behavior that seek to regulate the behavior of individuals in society and are related to moral values, among these values ​​are integrity, equity, and justice. They are the bases on which people govern their behaviors, they are guides of behavior normally accepted in a social way and they help to differentiate what is correct and what is not. An individual has certain ethical principles and based on them acts in a certain way.

Universal values

These values ​​encompass all those qualities and principles that are considered and recognized as positive and correct by all people. Universal values ​​define the behaviors and norms that allow us to have a harmonious, respectful, inclusive coexistence among all the individuals around us without any distinction because they can be constantly shared and promoted.

Human values

These are the values ​​that establish and regulate the actions of people in order to achieve a healthy coexistence among all individuals. Human values ​​are not limited by any cultural or religious barrier, since their purpose is to generate well-being through respect and solidarity.

Cultural values

Cultural values ​​are known as the set of beliefs and shared customs and traditions that identify a group of people. Cultural values ​​establish the sense of belonging of a person with respect to their community, town, city and country.

Social values

Social values ​​are the set of values ​​recognized in a society that determine the social behavior of the people who make up a community, these values ​​seek to strengthen human relationships and achieve a balance of well-being through the qualities that are considered positive, such as respect. and friendship among others.

Religious values

Religious values ​​are composed of those behaviors established as correct according to the religion or dogmas that each person follows. These values ​​are not imposed by society, however they lead to the qualities and virtues that are considered correct in society, example, charity, solidarity and love.

Family values

Family values ​​are composed of a series of principles, beliefs and customs that are taught at home and that are transmitted from generation to generation, in the family people learn what love, union, respect, a sense of belonging and family ties. They are values ​​of great importance because they constitute the foundations of any society.

Personal values

Personal values ​​are all those that each person considers important to cover their desires and needs, for this reason personal values ​​are tied to each person and define their personality, lifestyle, behavior and objectives.

These values ​​are variable over time according to experiences or needs and are based on the idea of ​​acting on those actions that are considered correct and positive.

Civic values

Civic values ​​are those behaviors that are considered positive for the good and continuous development of society. These values ​​are recognized by various social groups and transmitted from one generation to another, therefore they are also part of the social cultural legacy.

Values ​​of Democracy

The values ​​of democracy are those that seek to constitute the social order and progress of individuals, it is composed of social and ethical values ​​that seek to promote the principles of democracy, political understanding, freedom of thought and equal rights.

Business values

They called corporate values to those values that define the ethical principles and organizcional culture that identifies a company, they have values and generate higher yields purpose, a sense of belonging and promote organizational culture.

Professional Values

The professional values are the values that are based on the knowledge and experience of individuals, all of which allows them to take decisions in various work situations. These values ​​are related to ethical, moral and business values.

What is education in values?

Human values ​​are those human values that allow us to relate to other people with the common purpose of achieving a global benefit, therefore a value is as beneficial to us as it is to others and exists in any society regardless of the country. , culture or religion . They are those aspects of our education that we consider good and honest for us and those around us, in this way the characteristics of these values ​​can change according to the context.

The 10 most important human values

There are many moral values ​​that guide human beings , so although it is impossible to establish a hierarchical list of all of them due to their importance, we can speak of those human values ​​to which we give more importance as a society.

  • Goodness: It  can be translated into a number of actions depending on the context, but always with the desire to do good, have good intentions with other people and be kind.
  • Sincerity: It translates as living and relating without hidden intentions through our actions or words, it is one of the values ​​par excellence, because being honest with oneself always leads us to be sincere with others.
  • Empathy:  It helps us to put ourselves in the situation of our peers and helps us to understand them.
  • Love:  It is one of the strongest feelings of the human being, it is the engine that starts giving and receiving, living together, sharing, respecting and trusting.
  • Patience:  Patience teaches us to fight for what we want to tolerate discomfort or worry and understand that there are good and bad days.
  • Gratitude:  We know that gratitude is almost always the greatest reward for the one who gives.
  • Forgiveness:  Forgiveness allows us to show the right way to that individual who has behaved badly with us.
  • Humility:  It is based on the fact that nobody knows everything, a humble person knows that together we are more and therefore he cares for the good of all those around him.
  • Responsibility:  Responsibility takes many facets, from the collective to the individual, linked to our duties, commitments and obligations to third parties.
  • Solidarity:  Solidarity is one of the great values ​​of human beings, it is the feeling and the principle that allows us to help any human being at any time, especially in situations of helplessness.

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