Love and love

For a healthy relationship with a person or a group of people, many happy and joyful emotions are expressed, such as loving and loving. They may be connected to each other, but they are different feelings. Amar and Querer can be used as nouns or as verbs, but not interchangeably in place of the others. Even though both feelings are pleasant and have beautiful meanings compared to other emotions, they are totally different.

AmarTo want
DefinitionLove is an emotion that shows great affection to a person.Wanting is a feeling that makes a person appreciate and be protective of a particular thing or person.
Origin of the wordLove has arisen from the Old English word: Lufu.Wanting originated from the English word: Caru for the noun and Carian for the verb.
BehaviourLove is a more intimate behavior.Wanting is more of a friendly behavior.
Type of peopleLove is generally for people to whom one is closed.Wanting can be used for both close people and strangers.
IntensityThe feeling of love is much more intense than the feeling of wanting.Wanting is a lighter and softer feeling compared to love.
ExamplesLoving family, loving your spouse, etc.Loving a co-worker, loving a friend from school, etc.

Definition of love

Love is a deep feeling , and it originated from the Old English term “lufu.” It can be used in many ways to express a feeling of caring for anything, be it a person or a thing. If asked person to person, everyone would have a different definition for the word.

For a general meaning, it can be said that Love is a feeling that makes a person feel deeply affectionate towards another person, a group of people, an animal or anything in reality . It is not limited to just a romantic relationship.

According to Greek mythology, there are four types of love: Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape . Storge means an empathic bond between people, Philia is more of a friendly relationship than a romantic one, Eros is the romantic relationship formed between a couple, and Agape is a kind of unconditional love.

Definition of wanting

Wanting is an emotion that expresses concern for a person or thing . It is mainly seen in friendship relationships, a cause that someone believes in, helping people who do not know each other, etc. Loving someone means that a person has affection for another, a cause or anything in reality (but not reaching the degree of “loving”).

The word comes from the Old English word ‘Caru’, which has German roots. Loving is basically feeling great affection for someone, but it does not mean that the person loves you . Self-esteem means practicing taking care of yourself, self-love.

Fight for the things that matter to you, but do it in a way that leads others to join you . This is a quote from Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and it shows that wanting is not only associated with a person, but is used for other terms as well. Wanting is a very important part of love. Without it, one cannot truly love someone or something.

Main differences between loving and wanting

  • Both emotions have different meanings. Love shows the feeling of warmth and affection for a person. On the other hand, wanting means showing feelings of empathy and protection towards a person.
  • Love is a broader concept than wanting. The second can come as part of the first, although the first does not fit into the feeling of the second.
  • Love is more intense compared to wanting. The latter is more of a short-term commitment than the feeling of love. Love is said to be a more lasting commitment.
  • There is no need for a personal relationship to love. Otherwise, a person generally has a personal relationship with a person they love.


Both emotions are very sweet and pleasant . However, they are not synonymous. For a healthy relationship, both feelings are very important, which makes the connection between the two people real. The level of emotions depends on the person and their intensity.

Love is a bigger and broader concept than loving . A person may love someone they love, but the same person may not love something or someone they love. Words related to love include affection, adoration, attachment.

In any relationship, it takes wanting and loving to make it work. But how crucial are they really? Does one weigh more than the other or are they practically the same? Do they coexist or are they completely autonomous? The answer will certainly vary from point of view to point of view, as wanting and loving turn out to be two of the most intriguing and complex emotions known to man.

By definition, wanting and loving are clearly different from each other . The first can be a noun or verb belonging to the “feeling of concern or interest” as in the case of worrying about one’s family, work, friends, possessions, pets, etc. Love, on the other hand, implies “a stronger sense of personal affection and attachment.” In addition, there are several types of love: philia, eros, storge and agape. Philia is what is within friendship, eros is what drives a romantic relationship, storge is family, and lastly, agape refers to selfless giving and compassion towards others. Given that, love could mean more than is popularly known and could be much broader than loving. It is so broad that it actually overlaps with some key fundamentals of care. This is especially true with non-romantic love types like storge and agape.

For example, a mother who naturally has deep family love or a great passion for her child will undoubtedly care for him unconditionally. In this case, wanting becomes a result, a mere component or a manifestation of the larger concept that is family love . Another example would be Mother Teresa’s agape or compassion for the impoverished masses in her country and around the world. His absolute love didn’t stop out of sheer emotion. Rather, it resulted in her taking care of the needs of the less fortunate and campaigning for their well-being. In other words, “wanting” for them coexisted, again, with the broader force, which is agape or compassionate love.

Also, the line between loving and loving becomes a little clearer in the context of a romantic relationship.. Eros or romantic love is considered desire, affection, and physical attraction. Normally, it is eros that creates a spark in a potential relationship, but it can sometimes be very superficial and volatile in nature. A good description of such emotion is the one that occurred between Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare’s phenomenal creation. Evidently, Eros was recognized for his strong longing to be together despite the odds. However, we cannot really say that his “love” was selfless enough to show genuine wanting or unconditional love. By looking closely at their intentions and decisions, it is primarily about fulfilling what they want for themselves and not exactly what would be good for the other. Also, wanting seen in the same context,

In that sense, wanting is presumed to come from a deeper and more genuine connection that transcends physical desire . Mr. Darcy will probably show him the most loving Elizabeth in the classic novel Pride and Prejudice. Of course, the desire was there too, but even before he was confessed, Mr. Darcy already revealed through his actions how he genuinely cared for Lizzy. Both wanting and love in the realms of romance can ignite, but they don’t necessarily guarantee commitment or unconditional love.

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