Prose and verse

The prose is a style of freer expression, in which we write not stick to the guidelines as the metric, rhyme or cadence. In prose, sentences do not have to rhyme. It is a discursive genre typical of the narration, the essay, the academic or journalistic article, etc.

The verse is subject to the set of rules of the metric, reason why its writing must respect certain parameters.

The difference between prose and verse has to do, essentially, with the fulfillment of certain norms that define each of these forms of expression.

What is prose?

The prose is a natural expression of the language, in which there are no rules of rhyme, rhythm and sound. It is said that it is a natural expression because it allows us to communicate ideas in the same way as we think about them, without paying attention to rules or structures beyond those that dictate the grammar and spelling of each language.

Because of its ease of being written, narrated, read and interpreted, prose is the most common genre of narrative language. That is why it is used in academic, informational, entertainment texts, essays, legal documents, literature (except traditional poetry), stories, etc.

Example of prose text

I came to Comala because they told me that my father, a certain Pedro Páramo, lived here. My mother told me. And I promised her that I would come to see him as soon as she died. I squeezed his hands as a sign that I would; Well, she was about to die and I was planning to promise everything.

Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo.

What is the verse?

The verse is a form of expression that is subject to a set of rules where the sound of the words and the rhythm of the sentences are fundamental. It is the classic structure of poetic compositions.

In writing in verse, therefore, the author uses certain rhythmic structures, such as measure, rhyme or pauses. In that sense, there are different types of verse, depending on the type of poetic composition that is made:

Towards I remain

When in the narrative structure there is a consonant rhyme (coincidence of vowel and consonant sounds in different verses).

Example of rhymed verse

The glare of the stars rutilan tes
not change Trucco by experienced tes
of opal, pearl or diamond tes .

Julián de Casal, In the field.

Single verse

They are verses that lack rhyme.

Loose verse example

While the waves of light to the kiss
throb on;
While the sun the torn clouds
Of fire and gold seen;

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Ten centuries of Castilian poetry

Towards blanco

It occurs when the verses lack rhyme but not measure, since they have a constant number of syllables (11, 12, or 13 syllables).

Example of white verse

But none of all can call

more barbarian than me, because against art

I dare to give precepts, and I let myself

lead from the vulgar stream, where

call me ignorant Italy and France;

But what can I do if I have written

with one that I finished this week,

four hundred and eighty-three comedies?

Lope de Vega, New art of making comedies at this time.

The verses are also classified according to the number of syllables they contain. In that sense it can be minor or major art.

Minor art verses

When the verses have between two and eight syllables.

Minor Art Verse Example

Spring has come

Nobody knows how it was.

Antonio Machado, Spring has come.

Verses of major art

They are the verses that have nine syllables or more.

Major Art Verse Example

Youth, divine treasure,
you are leaving now, never to return!
When I want to cry, I don’t cry …
and sometimes I cry without wanting to …
Rubén Darío, Autumn song in spring.

Towards libre

It is one whose composition is independent of the rules of meter, although it adheres to other forms, lighter and more discreet, of sound.

Free verse example

The universe has its jagged edges
and it is all of a new, very rare color
of an unknown philatelic name
The universe
wanted to kiss God
and when crossing a flight of angels
it stayed stuck on the cheek
of the slowest one
with the wings in crest of fire .
Gerardo Diego, The seal.

See also:

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