Prejudice and prejudice

The difference between prejudice and prejudice lies in the linguistic change that occurs in the prefix to refer to prejudice as damage that leads to judicial intervention, while prejudice refers to non-pecuniary damage caused by the prejudice of another .

Prejudice is the prior judgment of a person . This prejudice usually causes personal or moral damage to the person affected. It is made up of the prefix pre- which refers to something prior.

Prejudice is made up of the prefix per- , which refers to a complete action. In this case, the injury is an action that causes profound damage that usually requires a trial .

Today the word prejudice is used to refer to the previous judgment that one or more people have about another person or group caused by stereotypes that can lead to discrimination and racism; and prejudice to refer to a verifiable and visible damage from one person or group to another person or group.

Prejudice and prejudice both derive from the Latin word praeiudicium , which represents the first trial or interrogation before a trial, that is, a pre-trial.

The change in the prefixes of the words prejudice and prejudice begins to be observed when the Romans Cicero and Seneca begin to use praeiudicium not only to refer to the prior judgment of material damage, but to the moral damage of the presupposition or presumption of a offense someone damaging their social position.

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