Structure of a text

A text is the fundamental unit used for communication, whether oral or written. A text must make sense and logic in order to communicate a message, and it does so through a set of graphic and orthographic signs. Today in this blog we want to tell you information about the texts so that you can know what their structure should be, what their elements are, what characteristics they have and what are the different types of texts that exist. So we advise you to continue enjoying this great blog and all the useful information that we give you here.

Types of Texts Characteristics
Narrative textNarrative writing is best described as an account of a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events, usually in chronological order. It is a story created in a constructive format.
Descriptive textDescriptive text is a text or paragraph that describes an object in detail with illustrations, so that readers feel engaged in the written story.
Expositive textExpository texts are those that express concepts, facts or ideas objectively. In this type of text it is not reflect feelings, ideas, opinions or the thoughts of the author. An expository text is used to communicate ideas or concepts with the intention of communicating specific data.
Argumentative textAn argumentative text is one that wants to defend a specific position based on a hypothesis.
Literary textA literary text is a genre of literature that conveys a message in an artistic and creative way. Literary texts focus on both content and form.

What characteristics does a text have?

A text is a set of sentences that are encoded by graphic signs and that can be written or oral. For a text to fulfill its function, it is important that it have certain characteristics. The texts must be coherent, they must have cohesion and they must be appropriate to the recipient.

It is said that a text must be coherent because a text must have a central idea from which all other ideas are organized.

It is said that a text must have cohesion so that it can be understood perfectly. Cohesion allows the ideas that are presented in a text to be linked together to facilitate understanding of the text.

It is said that a text must be adequate because the message that the text transmits must be thought of the recipient to whom it is addressed. Adequacy is the ability to use correct linguistic mechanisms depending on the receiver and the type of text it is. 

What is the structure of a text? 

A text is a statement or set of coherent statements that can be oral or written. The minimum unit of the text is the word and these words are organized in sentences to form paragraphs and thus form a composition.

A text is made up of sentences that are structured in phrases that are made up of words. So the elements of the text are sentences, phrases and words.

The structure of the text will depend on the type of text it is, but there is a general structure that is as follows: title, introduction, development and conclusion.

Introduction : it is the paragraph or set of paragraphs that clearly contain information about what is going to be presented in the rest of the text. The introduction is intended to state the main theme of the text and should attract the attention of the recipient. The function of the introduction is to announce the topic, indicate your interest, give an account of its structure and the plan that will be followed to address it.

Development : it is the paragraph or paragraphs that follow the introduction and are before the conclusion. In these paragraphs the main ideas and concepts of the text are developed. Here the relationships between the concepts presented are established.

Conclusion : it is the paragraph that summarizes what was explained in the development of the text. 

What are the different types of text?

Texts are written for a variety of purposes, using different forms and standards of composition. These forms of writing are known as text types. Broadly speaking, there are two main types of texts, factual and literary. Within these are many more strictly defined types of text. Here we tell you which are some of them.

Narrative text:

Narrative writing is best described as an account of a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events, usually in chronological order. It is a story created in a constructive format. The main characteristics of narrative writing are plot, characters, setting, structure, and theme. The narrative plot is defined by the events that take place within a story. When writing a narrative piece, the writer is primarily concerned with the main events that are central to the story, how these events lead from one to another, how they influence each other, and how they affect each other.

The characters are fundamental to any narrative writing. It is the writer’s job to use these characters by presenting them through narrative. This is done through your description, through your actions, speech, and thoughts.

The setting is the place and time when the events that make up your narrative story occur. Setting is generally considered essential for any narrative writing because it allows readers to establish familiar ground with the characters in the story and everything around them.

The structure is the general order and form of the narrative. At the beginning of a traditional narrative, it is common for the writer to introduce the reader to the setting, characters, situation, and goal of the main character. Then the story will unfold through a series of events and you will find yourself in the middle of a crisis that must be resolved. At the end of the piece the climax is resolved and the tension dissipates during what is called the denouement.

The theme allows any narrative writing to do more than simply entertain. A theme in a story can really move the reader and make a piece that much more memorable, as well as help illuminate it as a work of art.

Descriptive text:

By making the text descriptive, the writer tries to convey his impressions, observations and feelings to the reader by transmitting the nature and details found in the object. Descriptive text is a text or paragraph that describes an object in detail with illustrations, so that readers feel engaged in the written story. Descriptive text is a text that tells what a person or thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing. 

Expositive text:

Most of the expository texts are structured to facilitate the study process for potential readers. These texts contain structural elements that help guide students through their reading. Expository texts are those that express concepts, facts or ideas objectively. In this type of text it is not reflect feelings, ideas, opinions or the thoughts of the author. An expository text is used to communicate ideas or concepts with the intention of communicating specific data referring to various fields, such as scientific, legal, academic, astronomical, etc.

Argumentative text:

An argumentative text is one that wants to defend a specific position based on a hypothesis. One of the fundamental things we use language for is argumentation. Arguing means stating that something is true and trying to persuade other people to agree with your claim by presenting evidence to support it.

Literary text:

A literary text is a genre of literature that conveys a message in an artistic and creative way. Literary texts focus on both content and form. The authors of this type of text use a stylistic language and an idiosyncratic style to present reality or address phenomena. Although literary texts have a common purpose and function in the same way, there are different types of literary texts. These types are the narrative text, the literary description, the literary count, the personal response text, and finally the review text.

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