Gender and sex

The difference between sex and gender is that the former is a concept based on biological characteristics such as the difference in male and female genitalia. Gender, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with personal, social, and cultural perceptions of sexuality.



What is itIt refers to the physiological differences found between men, women, and various intersex bodies. Sex includes primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics.It deals mainly with personal, social and cultural perceptions of sexuality, that is, being each one what they feel they are. It is psychological and social.
OriginGiven by genes.Learned. It is psychological and social.
ConditionImmutable condition, that is, it will define a person as male or female and cannot be changed.Modifiable condition, that is, it can be changed according to what you want to be, how you feel and the society that surrounds you.
ExamplesOnly men have the ability to produce sperm and only women have ovaries and womb.A person who is sexually male but decides to adopt the gender of a woman because he feels that way.

What is sex

“Sex” refers to the physiological differences found between men, women, and various intersex bodies. Sex includes primary sexual characteristics (those related to the reproductive system) and secondary sexual characteristics (those not directly related to the reproductive system, such as breasts and facial hair).

In humans, the biological sex of a child is determined at birth based on several factors, including chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal reproductive anatomy, and genitalia. Biological sex has traditionally been conceptualized as a binary in Western medicine, typically divided into male and female . However, between 1.0 and 1.7% of children are born intersex, with a variation in sexual characteristics (including chromosomes, gonads or genitalia) that do not allow them to clearly identify as male or female.

Due to the existence of multiple forms of intersex conditions (which are more prevalent than researchers ever thought), many see sex as existing along a spectrum, rather than simply two mutually exclusive categories.

What is gender

Our sex, which is physical, male or female, is different from our gender, which is psychological and social . What this means is that some of us have a gender that is different from our sex.

  • We can be physically men, but identify or feel more comfortable thinking of ourselves as women.
  • We can be a woman physically, but identify or feel more comfortable thinking of ourselves as men.
  • We can identify ourselves as men and women or neither.

When we feel this way, we can be transgender or gender non-binary. This could be a confusing feeling, especially when society expects us to act a certain way based on our sex. Being transgender or gender non-binary , however, is natural. Like your sexuality, it is deeply personal and you should take the time to analyze your feelings and find what is right for you.

Common problems

Discovering our sexuality and gender are personal journeys, but others often feel they have the right to interfere. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea that there are other sexualities besides being heterosexual and that people can identify with a gender other than their sex .

There is a long history of discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. It is unacceptable, and while great strides have been made towards equality, there is a way to go. If you are working on difficult issues of sexuality and gender, don’t give up. Your journey is personal and you should not give importance to those who want to go back in time.

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