Flora and fauna

The Flora and Fauna are the set of living beings that make up part of an ecosystem . Although they exist all over the world, each of the existing species of animals and plants is identified with certain specific characteristics according to the area where they are found and the geographical and climatic conditions of the region.

Both flora and fauna are organisms that have evolved over time and have adapted to their environment.



They are the different plant species that exist in the ecosystem.
They are the different animal species that are part of an ecosystem.
-Native Flora or Native Flora
-Agricultural flora
-Wild or wild fauna
– Domestic fauna from

Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna are essential organisms to be able to maintain balance in nature and in the ecosystem. In several cases, symbiotic relationships are generated between the two to prolong their existence and both are biotic elements of a given ecosystem , this means that they are living elements that make up a biome of our planet.

When we talk about flora we are referring to all plant life, that is: trees, shrubs, fungi, bacteria, photosynthetics, among others. When we talk about fauna we refer to all the animals that exist on the planet: mammals, reptiles, insects, birds, protozoa, among others.

Both flora and fauna are forms of life adapted to the different conditions and particularities of the environment in which each one exists. That is to say, within the flora and fauna the different species and genera of animals and plants that were in a certain area, their connections and also their connections with their environment are framed.

The geographical area is not the only delimitation they have but can be extended to certain lower or higher habitats. For example, if we are analyzing the flora and fauna of a certain beach, the flora and fauna of the Atlantic Sea and the aquatic flora and fauna, these are different levels of habitats that include or exclude certain species depending on the level that is is analyzing.

The study of flora and fauna is very important to learn about and investigate ecosystems and the different relationships that take place between their members. Furthermore, this study is of utmost importance in order to improve the conservation and protection of natural spaces and their biodiversity.

What is flora?

When we talk about flora we are referring to the different plant species that exist in the ecosystem. Depending on the geographical area that we are analyzing, there will be some species or others and each one will have particular characteristics.

Within the flora, all the plant species that form part of the ecosystem of a given region are included. These species may belong to that area and I know because they grow spontaneously in that place thanks to a set of conditions or because they have been cultivated by human action.

This term includes plants, whether with or without flowers, seeds or fruits, aquatic plant species and any plant that helps to configure the vegetation of a specific geographical area.

The term flora comes from the Latin ” homonym ” which is attributed to the name of the goddess of spring. Although the concepts of flora and vegetation are often used synonymously, in truth the term flora refers only to species, whereas vegetation includes the distribution of those species in a given space.

Types of flora

Within the concept of flora we can find two major classifications:

– Native Flora or Autochthonous Flora: this classification refers to the plant species that are typical of a specific region , that is, the flora is born in that area naturally. Native plants are closely related to the ecosystem in which they live, they are related to birds and insects with which they share their habitat.

Some examples of native flora: The ombú that is typical of the Pampas, the japonica camellia that is native to Japan.

– Agricultural flora: This classification refers to the plant species that are found in a geographical area but not by birth but by human action . A clear example of this type is the cultivation of tea in Argentina, although the tea tree is not indigenous to that area, its seeds were cultivated for commercial exploitation purposes.

For a certain time, a third classification was maintained, which was the so-called weed flora , in this category the plants that were considered as weeds were grouped. This category was later put aside, since with the progress of the different studies it was confirmed that they fulfilled a fundamental function in the ecosystem.

What is fauna?

Fauna is known as the set of animal species that inhabit a specific geographical area in the same period. As with flora, in fauna different types of relationships are carried out that are fundamental to be able to maintain balance in nature.

Within the concept of fauna we can find two large classifications:

-Wild fauna: within this classification, which is also known as wild fauna , all species of animals that are indigenous and typical of the area in which they are found are included. This type of fauna does not need a human being to be able to feed and function in the environment in which it is found.

Examples of wildlife: the scarlet macaw native to Mexico, the surubi and the dorado in the Mesopotamian regions of Argentina.

-Domesticated fauna: this classification includes the species of animals that are found in certain geographical areas but because humans have introduced them there. In general, humans usually carry out these actions for economic purposes in the agricultural and livestock sector.

In some cases this domestication does not usually bring consequences but in other species they end up causing an imbalance in the ecosystem and are called invasive species , which are then very difficult to eradicate.

There are also other types of fauna that vary according to the geographical areas and regions of the earth where they are found: marine fauna, poultry fauna, ichthyological fauna, harmful fauna, among others.

Examples of domesticated fauna: sheep, cattle, horses, chickens, dogs, cats, among others. They are special that have been introduced in many regions.

An example of an invasive species is the ferret in Chile. This species was intentionally introduced into the country. This special has caused great damage to the ecosystem and has harmed other animals such as the rabbit and the hen.

The different relationships that take place between flora and fauna in an ecosystem are essential for life to develop in a given area, be it a jungle, an ocean, a desert.

Within the flora we can find producing organisms, photosynthetic or not, and within the fauna we will find consumers of the different levels of the trophic organization.

Both flora and fauna are essential to be able to study the ecosystem and the different regions in all their perspectives.

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