80 examples of organic and inorganic compounds

Chemical compounds are substances made up of two or more interrelated elements, thus giving rise to an entirely new and different substance.

Organic CompoundInorganic Compound
DefinitionCompound that has carbon as its main element and presents covalent bonds of carbon and hydrogenAny compound whose main element is not carbon and which does not present bonds between carbon and hydrogen.
  1. Carbon and Hydrogen are important elements.
  2. It can be synthesized by living beings.
  3. Most do not dissolve in water.
  4. Slow reactivity.
  5. High volatility and combustibility.
  6. Low boiling and melting points.
  7. Bad conductor of electricity.
  1. It is not synthesized by living things.
  2. It is soluble in water.
  3. Its reactivity is fast.
  4. Low volatility.
  5. High boiling and melting points.
  6. Good conductor of electricity.
Link TypeCovalentMostly ionic and to a lesser extent covalent
ExamplesAlchol, nucleic acids, sugar, mder, proteins, lipids, hemoglobin, methaneWater, ammonia, baking soda, and carbon dioxide

Organic compounds are chemical substances that contain carbon and in which there are only covalent bonds, carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen, which are known as hydrocarbons. Inorganic compounds are composed of different elements, they can be oxides, bases, acids or salts.

These types of compounds have covalent bonds and are highly complex, with around 10 million compounds of this type existing. They give rise to life and are secreted by living beings.

  • Inorganic Compounds

They do not usually contain carbon atoms, nor hydrogen-carbon bonds and their atoms can be linked by ionic or covalent bonds. These substances can contain multiple elements from any source on the periodic table and are good electrical conductors.

Examples of Organic compounds

  1. Acetylene:  Also called ethyne, it is an alkyne gas lighter than air and colorless, highly flammable.
  2. Formol:  Used as a preservative of biological matter.
  3. Methanol:  Known as wood or methyl alcohol, the simplest alcohol there is.
  4. Propanone:  The common solvent, flammable and transparent acetone.
  5. Ethyl Ethanoate:  Also known as ethyl or vinegar acetate.
  6. Glycerin:  Glycerol or propanetriol, is a substance of alcoholic fermentation and digestive processing of lipids.
  7. Glucose:  The basic unit of living beings is a monosaccharide sugar.
  8. Ethanol:  present in alcoholic beverages as a result of the anaerobic fermentation of sugars with yeasts.
  9. Isopropanol:  Isopropyl alcohol, becomes acetone when oxidized.
  10. Acetylsalicylic acid: The compound in aspirin.
  11. Sucrose: It is table sugar.
  12. Fructose:  It is the sugar in fruits.
  13. Cellulose:  Main compound of plant beings.
  14. Nitroglycerin:  Powerful explosive
  15. Lactic Acid:  Indispensable in energizing processes of the human body in the face of low oxygen concentrations.
  16. Benzocaine:  Used as local anesthesia.
  17. Lidocaine:  Another anesthetic used in dentistry.
  18. Lactose:  It is the sugar that gives its energy load to the milk of animals.
  19. Cocaine:  A potent alkaloid derived from the coca plant, and synthesized to produce an illegal drug of the same name.
  20. Ascorbic Acid: Also known as the important vitamin C of fruits.
  21. Acetone: A volatile liquid compound at room temperature that is used to remove chemicals.
  22. Butane: Fuel gas used for cooking.
  23. Trichloromethane:  Compound where a carbonate joins a hydrogen and three chlorines, it serves as a solvent for fats.
  24. Naphthalene: An aromatic compound that is used as a moth repellent.
  25. Sodium dodecyl sulfate:  Synthetic organic compound found in detergents.
  26. Propane: Edible gas for cooking.
  27. Hexane:  Used as paint thinners.
  28. Lycopene: Eleven double bonds that give tomato and red vegetables their red color.
  29. Iso-Propanol:  It is an alcohol that is used to disinfect the skin.
  30. Cholesterol: It is a lipid precursor of steroid hormones such as testosterones.
  31. Uric Acid: It is an acid that is expelled in the urine of humans.
  32. Formic Acid: It is a synthesized organic acid synthesized by most ants as a defense.
  33. Linolenic Acid:  Essential fatty acid also known as Omega-3.
  34. Amino Acid: They are organic compounds that are part of protein proteins.
  35. Purine: Organic compound soluble in water and that is the base for other compounds.
  36. Pyrimidine: It is an aromatic organic compound.
  37. Formaldehyde : It is an aldehyde commonly used to preserve living tissues.
  38. Benzene: It is an aromatic compound that is used as a gasoline additive.
  39. Nylon: It is a family of synthetic polymers based on polyimides that is used in the textile industry.
  40. Teflon: Used as a non-stick coating for kitchen utensils.

 Examples of Inorganic Compounds

  1. Water: It is one of the most important inorganic compounds for life on planet earth.
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is used to clean wounds.
  3. Sodium Chloride: It is the common salt that we use for food.
  4. Sodium Bicarbonate: It is one of the most used inorganic compounds in the kitchen.
  5. Carbon monoxide: It is a gas composed of a carbon atom and an oxygen atom.
  6. Carbon Dioxide: It is the gas that is released when we expire in the breath.
  7. Magnesium Sulfate: It is a compound that is used in Epson’s salt.
  8. Zinc Oxide:   Water insoluble compound formed by zinc.
  9. Sodium Monofluorophosphate: It is a salt found in toothpaste.
  10. Aluminum Chloride: It is a compound made up of one aluminum atom and three chlorine atoms.
  11. Hydrochloric Acid: It is a very strong and corrosive acid.
  12. Sulfuric Acid: It is an acid that is used for car batteries.
  13. Phosphoric Acid: It is a weak acid that is used for detergents.
  14.  Nitric Acid: It is a strong corrosive acid that is used in fertilizers.
  15. Sodium Hydroxide: With various applications of soaps, paper, drain pipes.
  16. Calcium Hydroxide: It is a base known as lime that is used in the treatment of corn and other foods.
  17. Barium Hydroxide: It is a strong base made up of barium, hydrogen and oxygen that is used in chemistry laboratories.
  18. Silver Nitrate: It is an inorganic salt composed of silver, nitrogen and oxygen.
  19. Potassium Permanganate: It is a salt that is used for medicine.
  20. Iron Sulfate (II): It is an iron salt that is used to supplement food products with iron.
  21. Iron Sulfate: It is a mineral used for the manufacture of Lithium batteries.
  22. Copper Sulfate: It is a salt used as a fungicide in agriculture.
  23. Calcium Carbonate: It is a salt used for heartburn.
  24. Copper Oxide (I): It is used for pigmentation and against fungi.
  25. Nitrous Oxide: Or laughing gas, it has an anesthetic effect.
  26. Sulfur Dioxide: It is a toxic gas that is released in volcanic eruptions.
  27. Silicon Oxide: It makes up the sand and from which glass is produced.
  28. Aluminosilicates: Used as a food additive.
  29. Sodium Azide: Used as a preservative in chemical laboratories.
  30. Sodium Cyanide: It is a respiratory poison.
  31. Calcium Phosphate: Part of the bones.
  32. Hydrogen Sulfide: It is the one that gives the characteristic rotten egg smell.
  33. Prussian Blue: Used as a blue pigment in prints.
  34. Cisplatin: It is an anticancer drug made up of platinum.
  35. Berzelianite: It is a mineral of selenium and copper
  36. Caustic Soda: It is found in liquid, solid, flake or crystalline form.
  37. Silicon Hydride: Analogue of Methane.
  38. Gold peroxide: Binary combination of oxygen with gold.
  39. Lithium Peroxide: Binary combination of oxygen with lithium.
  40. Boron Oxide: It is a lumpy crystalline solid, it is odorless and colorless or white.

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