Category: Physics

Properties of matter and states of matter

Matter is known as everything that has a mass, that occupies a place in space and that is converted into energy. When it comes to properties of matter, they refer to those chemical and physical characteristics that compose and describe it. In addition, matter also has different states. Next we will know in detail each one of them. Matter Definition Everything that occupies

Cohesion and adhesion of water

Both cohesion and adhesion are properties that are observed in molecules in various phenomena, objects and substances. Naturally water is a perfect example to study them, for this reason we present below information on cohesion and adhesion in water . Cohesion Accession Definition Tendency of water molecules to stick to each other. Two surfaces of the same or different substances conjugate when

Heat and temperature

The two terms, heat and temperature often considered synonymous, refer to two key notions that should not be completely confused. When we talk about heat and temperature in everyday language, we don’t always use them correctly and we often get confused. There is a substantial difference between them and therefore we tried to explain it in the best possible way to

Speed ​​and speed

The quickness and speed are often confused, but their meanings are different. When we speak of speed, we refer to a scalar quantity that relates to the distance traveled over time. While velocity is a vector quantity, it relates displacement with time. Among the differences that we can say between speed and speed, while both are physical magnitudes, speed evaluates the relationship between distance

Sound and noise

Sound and noise is the same? Commonly, sound is connected to something pleasant, while noise is connected to something unpleasant. … If the vibrations are regular, we have a sound; if they are irregular, uneven, we have a noise. Commonly, sound is connected to something pleasant, while noise is connected to something unpleasant. Do you agree with this observation? So

Branches of physics

The physics is a science that deals with studying the relationships that occur between different forms of appearance of matter , ie bodies, as long as its nature is not altered during the interaction. It is a science that studies the universe and its operation. This science is theoretical and experimental and has different branches that emerge from it that will help us better understand

Vector and scalar magnitude

The crucial difference between scalar magnitude and vector magnitude is that the former is simply associated with the magnitude of any quantity, while the latter is a physical quantity that considers both magnitude and direction. Here in this article we will see some other parameters of differentiation between both concepts, followed by a fabulous and very useful differentiating

Exothermic and endothermic reaction

The chemical reaction in which energy is absorbed as heat is known as an endothermic reaction , whereas such chemical reactions in which energy is released or evolves as heat are known as an exothermic reaction . So the main difference between these terms lies in the form of energy used or released during any chemical reaction. Read on for more

Displacement and distance

Distance and displacement are two words that may seem to mean the same thing but have clearly different definitions and meanings. Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to “how much surface an object has covered” during its movement, while displacement is a vector quantity that refers to “how much an object moved”; It is the general change of position