Branches of physics

The physics is a science that deals with studying the relationships that occur between different forms of appearance of matter , ie bodies, as long as its nature is not altered during the interaction.

It is a science that studies the universe and its operation. This science is theoretical and experimental and has different branches that emerge from it that will help us better understand our reality. Below we will detail each of them and their objects of study.

RamaObject of study
AcousticsThe sounds
AstrophysicsThe bodies found in space.
Atomic physicsThe atom
KinematicsThe different objects in motion
Nuclear physicsThe nucleus of the atom.
DynamicThe relationships between the movement of bodies and the causes that produce it.
Classical mechanicsThe movement of bodies and the forces that act on them.
ThermodynamicsThe energy derived from heat and temperature.
StaticThe balance of bodies.
ElectromagnetismElectric and magnetic phenomena
BiophysicsThe biological processes of living beings
CryogenicsThe behavior of matter at low temperatures.
Quantum mechanics The behavior of subatomic particles
GeophysicsThe earth starting from the methods and principle of physics
Medical physicsRadiation in human health.
OpticsLuminous phenomena and light energy
plasma physics The state of matter of charged particles
Fluid  mechanicsThe dynamics and behaviors of liquids and gases in a state of rest or in motion.
MeteorologyThe atmosphere and its various components.


As we described, Physics is the science that is responsible for studying matter and its movement in time and space. It deals with explaining everything that happens in the Universe, which implies that it covers a large number of areas of study such as: motion, forces, radiation, energy, and so on.

It is for this reason that different branches have been created, so that each one can base its study on a specific object. Let’s see what these branches are.

Branhes of physics

1. Acoustics

Acoustics is the branch of physics that is responsible for studying sound as an air disturbance, its ways of propagating, what are the phenomena that produce it, how it is heard and how it is absorbed. These studies are applied in different ways, such as in the design of musical instruments.

2. Astrophysics

Astrophysics is the science that studies the different bodies found in space, their movements, phenomena and properties. Thanks to the study and knowledge of this branch we can understand how space, stars, planets and galaxies work, through the developments of astronomical observatories.

3. Atomic physics

This branch of physics is the one that focuses its study on atoms, such as their structure, the states of energy (fission and fusion), how the interaction of their particles is managed and how their electronic configuration is.

4. Kinematics

Kinematics studies the different objects in motion. In order to describe their movement, this branch studies the trajectory of points, lines and other geometric objects, as well as speed, acceleration and displacement.

It is used in different ways, such as in the study of the movement of a spring.

5. Nuclear Physics

It is the branch of Physics that focuses on the study of the nucleus of the atom. It is composed of different particles, called protons and neutrons, which are linked together by various forces and interactions. In addition, this branch studies the release of radioactive energy that occurs through atoms.

6. Dynamics

Dynamics deals with studying the relationships between the movement of bodies and the causes that produce this movement. These studies are used to calculate the deformation or friction suffered by the different bodies.

7. Classical mechanics

Classical mechanics is one of the main branches of physics, through which the movement of bodies and the forces that act on them are studied. For this study they are based on Newton’s Laws and it is usually applied in general in the study of rocket launches.

8. Thermodynamics

It is the branch that studies the types of energy, especially that derived from heat and temperature, as well as the processes of heat energy transfers and what their effects are on bodies. This branch is usually applied in the automotive industry.

9. Static

Statics is responsible for studying the balance of bodies. He focuses his study on the analysis of the forces acting on a system at rest.

10. Electromagnetism

It is one of the main branches of physics and deals with the study of electrical and magnetic phenomena. It details how the interaction between charged particles in electric fields takes place.

11. Biophysics

Biophysics bases its studies on biology and physics in order to understand the different biological processes of living beings and explain their operation and importance. Its objective is always to be able to explain the physical functioning of organisms and how their use of energy is.

12. Cryogenics

It is the branch in charge of studying the behavior of matter at very low temperatures. At a temperature of absolute zero the molecules are practically immobile.

13. Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is in charge of studying the laws that govern the behavior of subatomic particles. Study atoms and their properties and interactions. This branch investigates nature from its smallest dimensions.

14. Geophysics

It is the branch that studies the earth based on the methods and principles of physics, so it can be said that it focuses on the studies of mechanics, radioactive phenomena, electromagnetism, amonothers. This branch of physics in turn is divided into two groups: internal geophysics and external geophysics.

15. Medical physics

In this branch the different knowledge of physics, biology and medicine are applied. It is used to establish principles and methods to obtain better diagnoses and medical treatments, in order to prevent certain diseases.

16. Optics

Optics deals with studying light, its behavior, its effects on other bodies and its properties based on luminous phenomena and light energy. In addition, this branch is responsible for studying the vision and perception of light by human beings.

17. Plasma physics

This branch is in charge of studying the state of matter of charged particles. Plasma is found in stars and in space. It can also be created in laboratories.

18. Fluid mechanics

This branch bases its analysis on the dynamics and behavior of liquids and gases in a state of rest or in motion.

19. Meteorology

It is the science that studies the atmosphere and its different components. It analyzes the meteorological phenomena, the atmosphere, the movements of air and water on the earth’s surface, and so on. This branch is what allows us to make climate

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