Antivalues ​​and values

The values are the qualities considered positive, desirable and necessary for human beings. They are related to the good and are very useful for individual and social life. On the other hand we find the antivalues , which are the qualities assigned to people considered as something undesirable, negative and unnecessary. Anti-values ​​are the counterpart of values.

Definition Individual qualities considered good, desirable and valuable of a person or object, that each one chooses to incorporate into their actions.Individual qualities considered negative, undesirable and unnecessary of a person or object, since their presence leads to negative results.
Characteristics-They are considered attributes that are assigned to different objects and subjects.
-They represent positive, desirable, necessary qualities or attributes.
-They are related to the forms of behavior that give us a more harmonious social life.
-It can be attributed to more than one object or subject and also each of these objects or subjects can have several values.
-They are considered attributes that are assigned to different objects and subjects.
-They represent negative, undesirable and unnecessary qualities or attributes.
-When anti-values ​​are manifested in behaviors, they undermine social life.
-It can be attributed to more than one object or subject and also each of these objects or subjects can have several antivalues.
Examples -Respect

What are values?

The values are principles that allow us to guide the behavior according to the realization of ourselves. They describe the individual qualities that each one chooses to incorporate into their actions, thus defining the type of people we want to be.

Qualities considered good, desirable and valuable are considered values . They are the motive for decisive action, the purposes for which we act and those we adopt in various ways. Values ​​are personal beliefs about good and evil and can be considered moral or not.

They are not a material object, but are attributes that can satisfy a desire, assigned by people to some subject or thing. This means that a value is a quality that an individual perceives of a subject or object, be it this ideal or material. For example, if we say that a person is good and respectful, or that stealing is wrong, we are attributing a value.

Characteristics of the securities

Among the characteristics of the values ​​we can find the following:

-They are considered attributes that are assigned to different objects and subjects.

-Values ​​represent positive, desirable, necessary qualities or attributes.

-They are related to the forms of behavior that give us a more harmonious social life.

-For each value there is its opposite (antivalue)

– It can be attributed to more than one object or subject and also each of these objects or subjects can have several values.

Examples of values

– Respect : it is the ability to appreciate, recognize and value others, considering that we are all valid. This value requires reciprocity, and this means that there must be rights and duties of both parties.

– Love: Love is considered one of the most important values ​​for society, since it drives us to want the happiness of the other. Social relationships are based on the foundations of affection that are maintained in the form of friendship.

– Freedom: Freedom helps us to fulfill ourselves as people. Individual freedom is framed within the social. This value is closely related to respect and responsibility.

– Justice: Justice is considered a fundamental value, since it tries to find a balance between its own good and that of society. Justice gives each citizen what corresponds to him to cover his basic needs and so that he can contribute to society. Justice implies a relationship between individual freedom, equality and the interdependence of each individual in a community.

– Tolerance: This value is considered to grant dignity, freedom and diversity in a society, understanding that we are all different. Tolerance means accepting opinions, ways of life and beliefs that are different from ours, in order to be able to relate as human beings.

– Honesty: Honesty is considered a social value that generates actions of common benefit and is reflected in the relationship and coherence between what is thought and what is done. This value provides an environment of trust as long as there is sincerity for oneself and for others.

– Responsibility: This value implies power and knowing how to assume the consequences of our actions and comply with the commitments and obligations assumed before others.

What are antivalues?

Anti- values are the qualities opposed to values. They define the attributes considered negative, undesirable and unnecessary of a person or object, since their presence leads to negative results.

They represent the opposition of those who are socially well seen through values. Anti- values threaten the values ​​on which our life in society is based, such as respect, tolerance, honesty, responsibility, loyalty, solidarity, among others. It is for this reason that anti-values ​​generate difficulties in good coexistence, harmony and mutual respect, which are very necessary values ​​for social life.

Characteristics of antivalues

Among the characteristics of the antivalues ​​we can find the following:

-They are considered attributes that are assigned to different objects and subjects.

-Anti-values ​​represent negative, undesirable and unnecessary qualities or attributes.

-When anti-values ​​are manifested in behaviors, they undermine social life.

-It can be attributed to more than one object or subject and also each of these objects or subjects can have several antivalues.

Examples of antivalues

– Disrespect: it is considered a lack of respect that one person exercises over another. This anti-value accompanies a negative attitude and also generates damage to morals and ethics.

-Injustice: Injustice represents the lack of justice and balance in relation to a fact or situation, both social and individual. We can notice injustice in acts of corruption, disrespect, illegality, among others. There are many individuals who are harmed and affected by the actions of this anti-value.

– Dishonesty: Dishonesty is the lack of integrity and honesty with which a person acts on things that belong to another. Those who apply this anti-value have the habit of lying and deceiving others in order to achieve their own benefit.

– Hate: This anti-value leads to resentment, resentment and wishing evil on another person. This feeling causes attitudes considered negative in individuals, since they are opposed to love.

– Intolerance: This anti-value is reflected in the acts of obstinacy, stubbornness and intransigence of an individual who does not respect those who have an opinion, custom, religion, political tendency, among others, different from those he has.

-Egoism : It is an anti-value that implies the excess of self-love, and this causes the individual to worry more about their own interests and benefits, than about others, regardless of who surrounds them. This anti-value creates difficulties with other people and also prevents you from helping and collaborating with the needy.

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