Advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction

The asexual reproduction is the conception of a descendant without the need for a genetic combination of two beings that are part of the same species. This reproduction is characterized by the fact that this offspring arises from a single organism and inherits the genes from its parent, it also does not imply the fusion of gametes and the number of chromosomes does not change.

Next we will learn more about this type of reproduction, its advantages and disadvantages.

Asexual reproduction 
DefinitionAsexual reproduction is one that needs a single organism to reproduce. This is because there is no sex cell intervention.
Advantage -Rapid expansion
-No need for mobility -Does
not require a partner
-Favorable for the environment
-It is very practical -Does
not require an investment
-No waste of energy or time
Disadvantages-Absence of genetic variability -Species
evolve at a slower and less effective rate
-It prevents diversity
-Determined inheritance problems -Organisms
have to extinction
-It is not possible to control the quantity
-Low adaptable to changes in the environment
-Conditions adverse environmental

What is asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is known as one that needs a single organism to reproduce. This is because there is no sex cell intervention.

In asexual reproduction there is a multiplication of organisms by means of vegetative cells either by fragmentation or from cell or special bodies. This reproduction allows an organism to produce offspring quickly and without wasting time looking for mates and mating.

The way in which an organism is produced asexually is by means of methods that consist of the replication or duplication of its genetic material , thus giving rise to new individuals that are genetically identical to the parent. This reproduction involves the creation of organisms that are of the same species as the parent, and this allows the species to multiply and perpetuate itself. Although reproduction is not essential for an individual to survive, it is essential for a species to remain on Earth, given that reproduction constitutes one of the main stages of the life cycle of all living beings.

The asexual reproduction is typical of unicellular organisms such as prokaryotes and protists and is very common in plants, fungi and invertebrates. With regard to animals, although there are some specific cases of species that reproduce asexually, the vast majority and the most complete forms of life reproduce sexually. Sexual reproduction, unlike asexual, involves sexual contact between two individuals, a female and a male, where each contributes their sex cell or gamete. From the union between these gametes the embryo arises, which when developing will create a new individual of the same special, where its genetic material will be the combination of the genetic materials of both parents.

Advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction, typical of certain living beings such as plants, microorganisms, sponges, among others, has advantages and disadvantages, which will depend on various environmental and biological factors.

Advantages of asexual reproduction

The asexual reproduction to the need not producing gametes (specialized cell) or energy use to achieve fertilization, is a reproduction fast and very simple . This type of reproduction allows an isolated individual to give rise to new offspring that are genetically identical to themselves and to each other. This mechanism is very useful in certain situations of biological risks or the need for expansion of a certain species. Next we will see the main advantages of this type of reproduction.

-Rapid expansion : Asexual reproduction generates large numbers of offspring just by putting a certain organism in a suitable habitat.

-Does not need mobility: The organisms reproduce in a single area, without the need to move to another.

-Does not require a partner : In asexual reproduction, a pair is not needed to achieve reproduction. This characteristic is very positive mainly when new areas are colonized, since only one parent is necessary.

-Favorable for the environment: Asexual reproduction does not generate a negative impact on the environment. Furthermore, this reproduction would prevent certain organisms from surviving in environments that are aggressive due to their susceptibility, sensitive stages in the process, and their fragile organs.

-It is very practical: In situations considered difficult, animals and asexual plants are capable of staying alive and continuing to generate offspring without the need for other reproductive sources.

-They do not require an investment: This advantage implies that those organisms that reproduce asexually should not carry their offspring for a long period, unlike those that reproduce sexually, which generally should be limited to a single offspring.

-There is no waste of energy or time: This implies that asexual organisms can produce innumerable clones without the need to use energy, or long times, or any investment.

Asexual reproduction is a non-complex reproductive process that requires less energy.

Disadvantages of asexual reproduction

Among the disadvantages of this type of reproduction we can find:

-Absence of genetic variability: This implies that as the descendants are identical to their parent, organisms with different genetic material cannot be generated.

-The species evolve at a slower and less effective rate: Unlike sexual reproduction, in these cases the species evolve at a slow rate and this could lead to a colony or a species, since as they have a less genetic variability, they may have less adaptation to a changing environment.

-It prevents diversity: As this reproduction depends on a single parent who transmits their genetic material to their descendants, it generates very little genetic diversity in all their generations. The population created is exactly identical.

-Certain inheritance problems: This implies that as they copy the chromosomes and genes of their only parent, the genetic defects or mutations that occur in asexual reproduction will continue to exist in the offspring without any exception. This disadvantage can in some cases lead to more unfavorable mutations, especially if someone has been affected with a disease, since a large part of their descendants would be destroyed.

-Organisms have to extinction: Since the characteristics and traits are identical, the same happens with the shortcomings and weaknesses. This implies that if an evolved predator attacks them, it can kill the entire population that is not prepared to fight for its existence.

-It is not possible to control the quantity: In this form of reproduction it is possible to control the increase in the population. Despite this, the process stops automatically when the new is excessive.

-Poorly adaptable to changes in the environment: Asexual organisms transmit the characteristics to their descendants and as there are no genetic variations, the ability to adapt and survive in the face of changes in the environment does not develop.

-Adverse environmental conditions: This type of reproduction can be generated in unfavorable conditions, such as extreme temperatures or different variations, and this means that entire communities can become extinct.

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