Written and oral communication

The communication is the process of exchanging feelings, information, ideas, messages, opinions with or without words. Effective interaction is one of the essential life skills and is extremely crucial to producing better perception. This occurs when a person interacts with another or more than one, and can be through: oral communication and written communication , which are the two essential methods for exchanging thoughts and ideas.

Oral Communication
Written communication
RelationshipA good relationship is created between sender and receiver thanks to the personal touch.Here a good relationship is impossible because the sender and the receiver are isolated from each other.
MediaTelephone conversation, face-to-face conversation, oral instruction are some of the means of oral communication.Letters, memos, newsletters, drafts, reports, newspapers are some of the written means of communication.
Documentary filmOral messages or information are generally not preserved. Therefore, it cannot be used as evidence for future purposes.Written messages are preserved so that they can act as a permanent record.
Direct mediaThis communication occurs directly between two or more people.A direct link between the sender and receiver of the communication cannot be established here.
FormalityFormalities are not strictly adhered to in oral communication.Written communication requires that formalities be respected.
EffectivenessDistortion can take place in oral communication. In such a situation, it will not prove to be an effective communication method.In written communication, the message cannot be distorted. As a result, the actual communication can reach the destination.
FlexibilityOral communication is more flexible. It can be easily changed and adjusted.It is a less flexible terrain, therefore, it takes time for some change in the content of the message to take place.
Cost factorSuch communication is less expensive because it does not require a pen, paper, ink, printing materials, etc., to prepare the message for transmission.It is expensive because a pen, paper, ink, and printing materials are required to prepare the message.
FeedbackHere immediate feedback is possible.Feedback is delayed in written communication.
Time factorSuch communication takes less time to send messages orally.It is a time-consuming method since the message must first be prepared and then just communicated to the receiver.
BaseOral communication provides the foundation for informal communication.It is the formal method of communication because it is done in writing.
IX ApplicableSuch communication is applicable to the literate and illiterate recipient of the message.Such communication is applicable only to literate recipients.
FromSuch communication can be started instantly.Several formalities are followed here and therefore involve a formal process to initiate such communication.
CorrectionCorrection is easily possible here because the sender and the receiver face a direct communication.Once the message is published, it is out of the scope of the sender to correct the information if any errors are found later.
UniversalityIt has no global acceptance.It has worldwide acceptance.

Oral communication vs written communication

The difference between oral communication (or also called verbal) and written communication is that the former refers to the use of the tone of voice or the spoken words to exchange ideas , written communication refers to the interaction through the words that we choose to write .

Spoken words, sound, face-to-face conversation, speech, seminar, group discussion, telephone conversation, conference, interviews are examples of verbal communication. In this case, one can get the message across clearly and get immediate feedback .

Written communication is letters, messages, notes, emails, and many other forms. Written communication is the most reliable process to convey a message.

What is oral communication

In oral communication, we generally use spoken words as a means of communication . Spoken language, sound, face-to-face conversation, speech, telephone conversation, group discussion, and lectures are examples of verbal communication.

The verbal communication method is a more spontaneous and rapid communication process . Words are more effective than action. One can notice someone’s body language, tone of voice, and expressions during the communication process. In this process, people talk to each other and communicate by exchanging their feelings, likes, dislikes, points of view, etc. Sound is the strongest element in oral communication, since most people have vocal cords that produce them.

Good oral communication skills are essential to collaborate and communicate with others. Increases people’s ability to share feelings and ideas. To speak concisely and courteously with clients, you need good verbal communication skills.

There are four types of verbal communication: intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, small group communication, and public communication.

Intrapersonal communication is a very private and confidential form of communication. Interpersonal communication takes place between two people. Small group communication takes place with few people. Public communication takes place with many people through television, social media, live broadcast, radio, etc. Oral communication is essential in all aspects of a business as it is suitable for literate and illiterate people to communicate.

What is written communication

Written communication is developed by sending and receiving a message in written format . We can transmit messages through letters, emails, messages, notes, journals, and many other ways. It is a very reliable form of communication because we can preserve it, carefully written and formal. This mode is preferred in the business and official world.

In this mode, we can convey the message plan completely and very carefully. There is very little chance of misinterpretation or misdelivery of the message as it is organized and the words are chosen very carefully.

Written communication is a long process which sometimes does not allow us to make quick comments. This form of communication is not suitable for illiterate people , so it is compatible only with literate people. Written communication skills are necessary at all stages and essential to landing a job. This is based on grammar, word choice, and punctuation .

The downside of written communication is that the sender will never know that the receiver has read the message or not. Well-written communication helps identify problems and arrive at solutions. In this type of communication, some elements are important such as structure, style and content .

Main differences between oral and written communication

  • Verbal communication is the process of communication through spoken words or tone of voice, while written communication uses printed text or the typewritten format of the message to communicate.
  • Verbal or oral communication is comparatively faster than written communication, as one can get feedback immediately.
  • In oral communication, the literacy of the person is not essential. On the other hand, in written communication the person must know how to read and write.
  • Written communication is reliable and keeps adequate records. On the other hand, verbal or oral communication has no evidence.
  • In oral communication a misinterpretation of the message is possible, while in Written Communication there are no possibilities of misinterpretation.
  • Oral communication is faster than written communication.
  • Oral communication is spontaneous. We cannot erase what we pronounce once. On the other hand, in written communication we can edit and recheck the message before delivery.


Communication is the most essential thing to survive in this social environment since it unites people and brings them closer to each other. Oral communication and written communication are effective in improving human relationships . Their purpose is to convey information and both play an important role in our lives.

We use verbal communication in personal conversations, as it requires less time and it is easier to express our feelings and moods. However, written communication is used in commercial and official matters, as it is the most reliable mode of communication.

We have reached the end, we hope it has been to your liking. See you soon!!!

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