Wind energy: advantages and disadvantages

The wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind . The kinetic energy of the wind causes the blades of a wind turbine to move , which in turn starts a turbine that converts this energy into electrical energy.

Like all energy times it has its advantages and disadvantages . Next we will explain what they are.

Wind power
DefinitionWind energy is that which is obtained from the wind and air currents. It is considered a type of renewable, clean energy that does not generate pollution.
Advantage-Inexhaustible source of energy -It
occupies little space -Does
not pollute
-It is economical
-It is compatible with other activities
-Applicable to low and large scale
Disadvantages -Wind is not guaranteed -Non-storable
energy -Impact on landscape
-Affects birds -Systems
can be damaged
noise -Effects on human health

What is eolic energy?

The wind energy is that obtained from the wind and drafts. This energy can be converted into electricity by means of an electric generator . It is considered a type of renewable , clean energy that does not generate pollution. It is an excellent alternative to replace the energy generated by fossil fuels.

How does wind energy work?

This type of energy is generated through the movement of the blades of a wind turbine . This wind turbine is an electrical generator that is moved by means of a turbine powered by the wind (as it was previously with windmills).

The wind turbine is made up of a tower, an orientation system that is located at the end of the tower, a coupling cabinet to the electrical network attached to the base of the tower, a gondola that makes up the frame that guards the mechanical components of the mill and which in turn serves as the base for the blades, a shaft and a rotor control in front of the blades. Inside the nacelle there is a brake, a multiplier, the generator and the electrical regulation system.

The blades are connected to the rotor (which in turn is connected to the shaft) and is the one that sends the rotational energy to the electric generator. The latter uses magnets to generate electrical voltage, that is, electrical energy . These wind turbines are located in wind farms that evacuate the electricity generated from their transformation center through a power line to a distribution substation and this makes it reach the end user.

Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy

When talking about the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy, reference is made to the benefits or disadvantages that are generated in the use of wind as a source of energy production for human consumption.

The name is given since it comes from the wind and works according to the laws of aerodynamics, that is, turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy.

Some of the applications that humans have given to the wind as a source of energy are: navigation, food processing, the alteration of water currents and irrigation, among others.

Advantages of wind energy

Among the advantages or benefits obtained from this energy we can mention:

– Inexhaustible source of energy : wind energy is a source of energy considered renewable, since the wind is an abundant and inexhaustible source, which implies that you can always count on this original source that generates energy energy. It has no expiration date and is available in many countries around the world.

– It takes up little space : A wind farm needs less space than a photovoltaic energy change to produce and accumulate the same amount of electrical energy. Another advantage is that it is reversible, this means that the area that is occupied by the wind farm can be restored very easily to renew the existing territory.

– It does not pollute : The energy generated by the wind is one of the cleanest energies after solar, this is because during its generation process it does not imply a combustion process, therefore it does not generate toxic gases or solid waste. A wind turbine achieves an energy capacity similar to that of 1,000 kg of oil. On the other hand, their turbines have a very long life cycle before being removed for disposal.

-It is economical : Its costs are practically wind farms and the processes that they require. The cost per kW generated is quite low in areas that are very windy. In certain cases, the cost of production is the same as that of coal, and even nuclear energy.

-It is compatible with other activities : this energy is compatible with agricultural activity and with livestock activity. This generates that it does not have a negative impact in relation to the local economy, and allows that the facilities do not interrupt or generate losses in the development of the traditional activity at the same time that it generates a new source of wealth.

– Applicable on a small and large scale : thanks to technological advances in the construction of wind turbines and generators, it is now possible to use wind energy in large cities or on individual initiative.

Disadvantages of wind energy

Among the disadvantages of this type of energy we can find:

-The wind is not guaranteed: this is an unpredictable issue since production objectives are not always met, mainly in small temporary units. It is for this reason that in order to minimize risks, investments in this type of energy and facilities are always long-term, thus, the calculation of their return is safer.

– Non-storable energy : wind energy cannot be stored, it must be consumed immediately when it is produced. This means that it cannot be a complete alternative to the use of other types of energy.

– Impact on the landscape : large wind farms have a great impact at the landscape level and are installations visible from long distances. The average height of the towers / turbines varies between 50 and 80 meters, with their rotating blades rising another 40 meters. Therefore, the aesthetic impact on the landscape usually generates discomfort in the local population.

– They affect birds: one of the main disadvantages is that these wind farms can cause damage to birds, mainly among nocturnal birds of prey. The impact is due to the rotating blades moving at a speed of up to 70 km / h and the birds are not able to visually recognize these blades at that speed, so they end up colliding with them fatally.

– Systems can be damaged: wind farms and their facilities can be damaged in extreme weather conditions, such as tornadoes, hurricanes and ice storms.

-Annoying noises: The movement of the turbines generates sounds that are usually uncomfortable for the residents who live in the vicinity of the towers.

– Effects on human health : exposure to wind turbines can cause sleep problems, tinnitus and vertigo. In addition, the aversion to turbines in the vicinity can cause psychosomatic problems in certain individuals.

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