Profession and trade

Man is a living entity who learns, who acquires knowledge and by doing so, strictly speaking, can acquire a profession or a trade. Here we talk about the differences of these two important concepts.

DefinitionIt is the work activity developed from an important academic training.It is the work activity with a low academic level, especially of a manual nature taught by a teacher.
ExampleDoctor, lawyer and accountant.Carpenter, plumber, gasman, electrician, baker, among others.

In principle, a trade is a work activity linked to crafts or crafts, so it would not entail a formal learning or study; On the other hand, a profession refers to a work activity that does require specialized academic training.

The great difference, therefore, between trade and profession would be the level of studies or academic training required in one compared to the other .

What is a trade?

The trade is a type of performance associated with manual or artisan activity . In fact, the Latin word officium means service, which in turn comes from opifex , which means craftsman.

The office is extremely old historically speaking because it resulted from the simple conjunction of a teacher or father figure indicating to a subordinate how a certain activity should be carried out.

When a high level of experience is reached in the trade, the person is often called a “master craftsman.” And although there may currently be a certain level of academic formalism (technical schools are a good example), a priori the trade does not need it.

Examples of trades

The trades are more than varied. We can think of some traditional ones such as carpenter, plumber, gas operator, jeweler, baker, mechanic, watch repairer.

The essential thing, as we announced, is that academic training does not exist. There is usually a figure who possesses a manual knowledge that is transmitted to his apprentice.

What is a profession?

Here we are talking about a work occupation that requires a strong academic training , because it is an essential trait to carry out the activity. Academic training is specialized, has many years and is developed in stages.

In many cases it is necessary to study at a university, which is why it is important to finish with previous studies (in many countries it is called secondary). In Latin the word profession is pronounced professio , which refers to an occupation.

In the case of the profession, with the new times a multitude of training studies have been developed, at an intermediate level between high school and university. Naturally, this does not affect the very definition of profession, even though academic paths are shortened.

Examples of professions

There are a multitude of professions, that is, activities that require a strong level of training both practical and, above all, theoretical.

In a traditional way, the doctor, the accountant, the administrator, the lawyer, the engineer , among others, can be mentioned . Currently we can list the filmmaker, journalist, decorator, among countless other examples.

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