Loyalty and fidelity

Loyalty and fidelity are two words that are often confused in terms of their meanings. Although they are similar concepts, since they refer to a degree of commitment and connection between two or more people, each one means a different thing. Loyalty is a word that comes from Latin and means quality of being respectful of the law. Fidelity is also a word that comes from Latin and its meaning is to serve God. Today in this blog we want to give you information about these two concepts so that you can learn what the meaning of the two is and how they differ. So enjoy this blog and take advantage of the information we give you here.

Etymology of the wordThe word loyalty comes from the Latin word legalitas, which means the degree of coherence between a behavior in practice and the ideals that a person theoretically abides by.The word fidelity comes from the Latin word fidelitas and means to serve God.
What does it mean?Loyalty is doing what one has committed to even amid changing circumstances. Loyalty is a value that we must develop within ourselves and be aware of what we do and say. It is to correspond, an obligation that one has with others. It is a commitment to stand up for what we believe in. Loyalty implies agreements.Fidelity is an attitude of someone who is faithful and who is committed to what he assumes. Fidelity is a virtue, a moral commitment, with which a person or a group of people are linked so that their bond is valid and mutual. It is a characteristic of someone who is loyal, who can be trusted and believed, and who is honest and respectable. It implies a true connection to a source or sources. Faithfulness involves promises.

What is Loyalty?

The word loyalty is a word widely used by people and here we are going to tell you what the meaning is.

According to the dictionary of the Spanish language, the word loyalty has the following meaning:

  • Compliance with what is required by the laws of fidelity and those of honor and good manhood.
  • Love and fidelity shown to their owner by some animals, such as the dog and the horse.

The word loyalty derives from the Latin legalitas and means the degree of coherence between a behavior in practice and the ideals to which a person theoretically abides. Loyalty indicates a behavior that inspires a person to choose to follow and observe values ​​of correctness and sincerity even in difficult situations, keeping the commitments assumed. Loyalty is the result of a conscious decision and can be costly. It is a form of nobility and has to do with sacrifice. It is not an obligation, it is a choice that necessarily mixes ideas and feelings. In loyalty, perhaps the best of us will manifest itself. Loyalty goes beyond mere fidelity. It implies commitment, connection, care. It implies understanding the other and respecting him in what is essential for him. At other times, loyalty requires greater sacrifices. Loyalty is based on values, not just feelings. 

A person is loyal when:

  • A person who feels the obligation to comply with the agreement, be it with another person, with an organization or with a nation.
  • Loyalty can be expressed through gratitude, support, and companionship.
  • A loyal person is usually an honest and sincere person with himself and with others.
  • A person is loyal when he has good communication to express what he feels and what he thinks.
  • A person is loyal when he is brave.

What is fidelity?

The word fidelity is a word widely used in relation to the couple, and today we want to tell you what it means.

According to the dictionary of the Spanish language, the word fidelity has the following meaning:

  • Loyalty, observance of the faith that someone owes to another person.
  • Punctuality, accuracy in the execution of something.

Fidelity (fidelitas, in Latin) is a virtue, a moral commitment, with which a person or a group of people are linked so that their bond is valid and mutual. Faithfulness is linked to trust. Faithfulness is a reality. Fidelity is directly linked to love and sexual relationship, it has to do with the rules, the pact, the obligation, the commitment and the culture of a certain society. Fidelity is a form of control, like a thread in which each one has a part and a certain look and vigilance is needed so that this thread does not break. Being faithful to the other has the meaning of not cheating on your partner sexually or emotionally. It is like an obligation that is fulfilled and may not have a direct relationship with values ​​or feelings.

A person is faithful when:

  • A person is faithful when he keeps his promises.
  • A person is faithful when he agrees to be monogamous in the couple.
  • A person is faithful when he maintains his fidelity despite the passage of time and circumstances.
  • A person is faithful when he prioritizes unity and family stability.

 Difference between loyalty and fidelity

It cannot be denied that both are of fundamental importance in our lives, but rethinking the two words makes us reflect on what we need to awaken or develop today. Both involve binding. When we are loyal, we join a person, a group, a leader or a nation. When we practice fidelity, we tie ourselves not so much to people but to ideals. Fidelity is fidelity to vows and duties. While loyalty asks for our loyalty to people, fidelity asks us to keep our promise.

Loyalty runs deeper than loyalty. Loyalty is lighter, it is a choice and it is spontaneous. It is the bond created naturally and maintained by free will. It has to do with personal values. It is a wireless relationship, but with a strong and lasting connection, which are often not described in words and are invisible to the eyes. Loyalty goes beyond being true to each other. It has to do with being loyal to yourself. The loyal person will take care of, protect and defend you even in moments of anger, even if you do not agree with your attitudes. She will understand you even without agreeing with you. You will also understand and accept differences. Loyalty has a lot to do with tolerance and generosity, and it applies to all kinds of relationships.

I hope you liked all the information on loyalty and fidelity that we give you in this great blog …

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