Lagoon and lake

Water has always been a source of beauty for people in many ways, and everyone loves spending time on beaches, rivers, and other places where there is water. The two terms lake and lagoon are different from each other in a precise way. The main one may be because a lagoon is a place that is separated from the river or the sea with the help of a small land and is not that deep, while a lake is a place that has no surrounding water or connection to a river or sea. and it has land around it.

DefinitionA shallow piece of land with water that is separated from a larger piece of land with water and islands or reefs.An area that has water and is surrounded by land from the outside.
RuleDon’t have land near them.Don’t have any rivers or seas near them.
DependenceIt depends on the sea or the river to obtain water.Depends on a water source (streams, man-made, others)
SizeLarger but not too deep.Smaller but extremely deep.
TypesCoastal lagoons and atolls.Tectonic lake, terrestrial lake, Salt lake, Carter lake, glacial lakes and canyon lakes.
ExamplesBlue Lagoon, Washdyke Lagon y Glenrock Lagoon.Lake Baikal, Lake Saiful Maluk and Lake Huron.

What is a lagoon?

Normally, when you see a small piece of water in a place, we call it a lake, but in reality this is not the case. Therefore, the lagoon can be defined as a shallow piece of land with water that is separated from a larger piece of land with water and islands or reefs. There are two main types of them that can be called: coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. Coasts are formed along the sea or rivers where there is an island, and can be separated by reefs. They are right along the sea level and rise towards the land along the coast. They cannot form in places where the size of the tides is more than 4 meters or places where there are rocks. Mostly they are the ones that have a smooth surface under them and are connected to the open sea. They may have tidal currents in them that will not be too strong. The other type is one in which the coral reef grows upwards, while the surrounding land is outside and has water inside. In simple words, it can be said that a lagoon is smaller than a lake and the main difference can be said that it is the measurement of its depth. They cannot be too deep due to the nature of where they are, such as flat land or reefs on the surface. There are many important lagoons around the world, and some of them are the Glenrock Lagoon in Australia, Blue Lagoon in Turkey, and Washdyke Lagoon in New Zealand.

What is a lake?

A lake is an area that has water and is surrounded by land from the outside. If there is more water around the place, then it cannot be characterized as a lake. They are usually found especially in mountainous areas or between two mountains and form a beautiful sight for people. They are not part of the ocean or any river, and that is why they are primarily viewed as safe by people. That said, the lakes can be extremely deep, some up to 200 meters deep. In some cases, they can be fed by rivers, but it is mainly streams that result in a lake. Most of the natural lakes lie between the hills and have been there for centuries, while many man-made ones have been created in areas where there is no water or for recreational purposes, and must fill up on their own. The word has been derived from the English language itself and is loosely associated with the pond. Most of the lakes are freshwater and present in the northern hemisphere. Some countries are rich in the way that they have thousands of lakes. For example, Canada is a place that has around 32,000 lakes, while Finland has 200,000 different lakes, although the country itself is relatively smaller than Canada. There are several ways a lake can be classified, but the most common are Tectonic Lake, Terrestrial Lake, Salt Lake, Carter Lake, Glacial Lakes, and Reed Lakes.

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