Honesty, integrity and sincerity

The moral values are a set of rules and customs transmitted by society to the individual. They are considered the good and correct ways in which the human being must act .

Having good moral values ​​will allow us to differentiate the good from the bad, the just from the unjust, and the right from the wrong. These values ​​are instilled in human beings from childhood mainly by the family and with the collaboration of those who accompany us during school learning.

Next we will know in detail what is honesty, integrity and sincerity and what are the differences between them.


HonestyValue based on the love of truth and justice over own benefits.
IntegrityAct the right way. Do everything that you consider good for yourself but as long as the interests of other individuals are not affected.
SincerityVirtue of being able to express oneself without lies or pretense.


What is honesty?

We understand by honesty a great human virtue based on love for truth and justice over personal benefits or what is convenient for us. From a philosophical point of view, honesty consists of acting and speaking according to what one feels and thinks and not what is easier for us to do or say.

Honesty is a coherence between what we think and what we do and also a relationship with the norms considered correct by the society in which we live. Many thinkers of human antiquity considered honesty as one of the best virtues that human beings can have.

The word honesty derives from the Latin term honestĭtas, which refers to the quality or virtue of being honest . This word describes a person who is reasonable, fair, upright, decent, honest, among others.

People who act in an honest way are considered people who maintain an attachment to the truth that goes beyond intentions, that is, they cannot be based on their own desires or interests and omit information. An honest individual is considered a person who respects himself and others, always maintaining the principle of truth.

Honesty is a fundamental piece to carry out all kinds of relationships, be it family, love relationship, friendship or any type of social relationship.

Honest people are expected to be fair and reasonable, to tell the truth and above all to be transparent in their motivations. The opposite of an honest person is dishonest , and can be described as a person who is often prone to lying, cheating, stealing, among others.

What is integrity?

Integrity is understood to be an entity that is complete, with all its component parts intact and functioning or performing correctly. The word integrity comes from the Latin Integer which means whole and refers to this concept that we detailed.

Integrity is considered to be a state of the human being in which it is considered that it has all the mental, physical and spiritual integrity when it has a coherence between what it says and what it does. A human being is upright when he is honest, acts firmly and correctly.

Integrity is understood as one of the basic rights of all human beings, for which it must be guaranteed both physically, mentally and morally. This means that no one should be mistreated, degraded or tortured. In those situations where an individual is deprived of his liberty for committing a crime against the law, he must be treated with respect and dignity.

An integral person is one who acts in a correct, educated, attentive, responsible way. There are different types of integrity:

– Moral integrity:  This type of integrity is related to the right that every human being has, to be able to develop his life according to his interests, ideals and convictions, as long as he does not harm other people with his actions. It is about making decisions about the behaviors of oneself.

– Physical integrity : physical integrity is linked to the human body as a whole and the preservation of all parts. This integrity is linked to the state of health.

-Psychic integrity: it is related to the analysis of the mental health of individuals and the preservation of different abilities, whether motor, emotional or intellectual.

In addition, integrity is a concept used and applied in various disciplines, which generates other types of subtypes:

– Data integrity: related to the computer world and refers to the information contained in a database, whether it is manipulated or updated.

– Labor integrity: it has to do with integrity in the workplace from the point of view of morals, honesty and the leadership values ​​of an organization.

-Personal integrity: refers to the capacities and aptitudes that a human being possesses and that allow him to identify himself as an integral person.

The right to integrity was enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

What is sincerity?

The sincerity is could be described as a virtue , a value or principle usually they have many individuals. Being sincere is not only about telling the truth, but it is an attitude that goes beyond, affects the way you act, express yourself and also affects your mood.

The term sincerity derives from the Latin sinceritas, which means sincerity and is the way of expressing oneself without lies or pretense that some human beings possess.

Sincerity is a very important value in society since it implies the ability of a person not to be untrue, that is, not to lie in any area of ​​life. This value helps to have more confidence, to be worthy people and that other individuals see us as noble people.

A sincere person is a person who is true to himself, shows himself as he is and expresses himself when he deems necessary with his truth and thought. Sincerity also implies accepting yourself as you are and this leads to having a good self-esteem.

This precious value is a bit difficult to find today, as people have become more superficial, with other interests that they consider to be more important than sincerity to be able to relate to other people. At the beginning of a relationship it will not be easy to know if a person is sincere or not, but this is something that will show with the passage of time.

Sincerity and children

In general, this value is very present in children , who tend to be very sincere. It is for this reason that it is of primary importance to be able to teach them the differences between what is right and what is wrong, and above all the value of truth.

Educating children with good values ​​will allow them to grow up and become upright and upright people.

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