Desertification and desertification

Desertification is created by human action and desertification is a natural process .

Desertification is the process and the effect of degradation where initially fertile lands are turned into desert. Desertification is used in scientific terms as a process caused by human intervention or also called anthropic causes .

Reducing the amount of available water by prolonging periods of drought in certain places can lead to the desertification of a place. The most common causes of desertification are overgrazing, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices.

Desertification is the formation of deserts through a natural process . Some of the natural causes of this process can be associated with the following aspects:

  • Astronomical factors such as, for example, Milankovitch cycles that include the cycles of variation of the Earth’s axis tilt, the Earth’s orbital eccentricity cycle, the precession of the equinoxes and the oscillation cycle of the elliptical plane that, combined, they reinforce the production of glacial periods.
  • Geomorphological factors such as, for example, the orogeny or mountain formation and the distribution of continental masses.
  • Dynamic factors such as, for example, all phenomena related to the geological and biological activities of the Earth.

One of the most common examples of desertification is the Sahara desert that thousands of years ago was a fertile and productive land.

The difference between desertification and desertification is quite diffuse because it is difficult to determine the purely natural causes of those that are induced by man .

It may interest you to know about natural phenomena .

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