Types of learning

The learning is much deeper than memorization and retrieval. Deep and lasting learning involves understanding, relating ideas and making connections between previous and new knowledge, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to transfer knowledge to new and different contexts. Today in this blog we want to tell you information about learning and the types of learning that exist, so that you can know what is the meaning of this very important concept. So we advise you to continue enjoying this blog and all the information we share here.

What is learning?

Learning is a process that is active since it is the process of engaging and manipulating objects, experiences, and conversations to build mental models of the world. Students build knowledge as they explore the world around them, observe and interact with phenomena, converse and interact with others, and make connections between new ideas and previous understandings. Learning builds on prior knowledge and involves enriching, building, and changing existing understanding, where one’s knowledge base is a scaffold that supports the construction of all future learning.

On the other hand, learning occurs in a complex social environment and, therefore, should not be limited to being examined or perceived as something that happens at the individual level. Instead, you need to think of learning as a social activity that involves people, the things they use, the words they speak, the cultural context they are in, and the actions they take. In essence, learning is a process that results in a change in knowledge or behavior as a result of experience. Understanding what it takes to get that knowledge in and out (or promote behavior change of a specific kind) can help optimize learning.

What types of learning are there?

Learn, its medium; The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice or study or teaching, also learning is the process of learning something or collecting information about related things, learning is an endless process or an infinitive process. There are at least 16 types of learning and then we are going to tell you what they are and what each of them is.

Implicit learning

Implicit learning is that which is obtained as a result of automatic behaviors that can be speaking, listening, moving, walking. It is a learning that is not intentional since even if we do not notice it, we are being receptive to new knowledge in daily life.

Explicit learning

Explicit learning is one in which there is an intention and awareness that it is being learned. In this learning, the brain exercises a lot and allows it to acquire relevant information through attention and selectivity.

Associative learning

Associative learning is a learning style that occurs when two unrelated elements (for example, objects, images, sounds, ideas, and / or behaviors) are connected in our brain through a process known as conditioning. Associative learning is something that all humans and animals do naturally. By linking elements and making a web of different connections, we build our memories and deepen our understanding of the world around us.

Non-associative learning

Non-associative learning is a form of implicit or procedural learning that systematically attenuates or increases a person’s sensory perception or behavioral response to a sensory stimulus after repeated or continuous presentation of the stimulus. It differs from associative learning in that it does not require temporal pairing between two different sensory stimuli or between a sensory stimulus and the corresponding response feedback.

Significant learning

Meaningful learning is characterized by the collection of information, the selection, organization and the establishment of relationships of new concepts with other already existing ones.

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is that widely used in classrooms where students learn cooperatively. Each of them relies on the knowledge of each one and that of the other students. It is advisable that this learning is generated in groups of five people where each one takes different roles and functions.

Emotional learning

Social and emotional learning increases a child’s emotional intelligence quotient, known colloquially as intelligent people, giving children the opportunity to excel in more than just academics. Teachers and parents must intentionally teach literacy and academic skills and, according to social and emotional learning theorists, must be equally intentional in providing instruction in social and emotional skills. This type of learning allows you to manage emotions efficiently in the learning process.

Observational learning or shadowing

Observational learning is learning through observation, where one person performs an action and sets an example for another who observes and learns the process. A technique used for this type of learning is shadowing, which is used in the incorporation of new workers or to learn a language, for example.

Experiential learning

Experiential learning is simply learning by doing. We have all learned to walk or speak, not because we are taught or told, but by practicing and perfecting our technique. Consequently, trainers and facilitators can implement this method in all kinds of situations with people from all walks of life. There are no barriers due to age, education, experience, ability, background, or culture.

Learning by discovery

Discovery learning is a type of teaching that is based on the student discovering things for himself, investigating problems and asking questions. Essentially, it’s about students reaching their own conclusions and asking about things in their course that might not make any particular sense. Obviously, as soon as inquiries are made, they will be able to learn new things and thus have become part of an innovative, stimulating and interesting educational journey.

Memoristic learning

Rote learning is the memorization of information based on repetition. Examples of rote learning include memorizing the alphabet, numbers, and multiplication tables. Some consider rote learning to be a necessary step in learning certain subjects. Memorization is not the most effective way to learn, but it is a method that is still used by many students and teachers.

Responsive learning

In receptive or passive learning, the direction of learning is from written or spoken form to meaning; we gain knowledge of words by finding them in text and speech. Most of the time, receptive learning is associated with learning language through reading and listening. However, looking up words in a dictionary, matching words to their meanings or definitions, guessing the context, and watching TV and movies are some other examples of receptive learning activities.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning, which generally refers to students working together in an attempt to create knowledge and achieve shared learning goals, has been identified by academics as an especially promising instructional approach for higher education.

Immersive learning

Immersive learning is the learning process with the use of an artificial or simulated environment. The environment allows students to fully immerse themselves in learning and in a way that feels like experiencing a real learning environment.

Online learning or e-learning

In online learning, the key element is the use of the Internet. Online learning refers to the idea of ​​using online tools to learn. Basically, an online course involves a distance between you and your teachers. Conferences, assignments, and tests are enabled by virtual platforms.

Social learning

Social learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and occurs purely through direct observation or instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. The approach abandons traditional learning models, favoring a common sense and real-life learning approach.

I hope you liked all the information that we give you in this blog …

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