Autumn, winter, spring and summer

The four seasons of the year are the periods in which certain climatic conditions are maintained for three months each. These seasons are called: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The different seasons of the year are due to the inclination of the Earth’s axis and the translational movement that the Earth makes around the sun . With this displacement, the solar rays affect the different regions of the planet with different intensity. This is the reason why, for example, the solar rays fall perpendicularly and heat more in some areas than in others, or the solar rays fall in a more inclined way on certain areas of Planet Earth and cause them to be colder areas such as the South Pole and the North Pole.

During the course of these seasons throughout the year, changes are experienced in the climate and also in the amount of daylight. As the Earth revolves around the Sun, it is also rotating on its own axis.

Let’s imagine that this axis is a straight line that runs through the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole. Said axis is tilted to one side, if it points to the Sun it implies that this hemisphere of the planet is waiting for the summer season, on the other hand if the axis is away from the sun, it means that in said hemisphere of the planet it will be winter.


the four Seasons of the year

The four seasons of the year are: spring, summer, fall and winter. Each of these seasons lasts three months, with winter being the coldest time of the year and summer the hottest season. On the other hand, both spring and the other are the intermediate seasons of temperatures.

According to the hemisphere in which we are, the dates of the seasons vary, since they depend on the solstice and the equinox .

The solstice refers to when the sun is most distant from the equator. This usually happens on June 21 and 22, which causes the day to be longer than night in the northern hemisphere , and on December 21 and 22 in the southern hemisphere.

Otherwise, on June 21 and 22 in the southern hemisphere the day is the shortest of the year and is shorter than the night. Conversely, in the northern hemisphere the same thing happens on December 21 and 22, it is the shortest day of the year.

With respect to the equinox , it refers to when the poles are at the same distance from the Sun and the days and nights have the same duration. Depending on which hemisphere we are, on March 21 and 22, fall or spring begins and in a similar way on September 21 and 22.


The spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. In it the plants begin to bloom, many baby animals are born, and the days begin to be a little longer after the winter season is over.

This season is a transition period between winter and summer. The origin of the term spring derives from the “first green” and this concept refers to the fact that in the spring season the plants turn green.

In the southern hemisphere, spring begins between September 21 and 22 and ends at the beginning of the summer season between December 21 and 22. In the northern hemisphere, spring begins between March 20 and 21 and ends on June 21.

Although during this season the cold predominates and begins to disappear, spring is also common to be characterized by sudden changes in the weather. A common spring day is usually: cold in the morning, hot at noon and rain in the afternoon.


The summer is the season hotter it is , because it is when the sun is closer to the earth. In addition to the high temperatures, this season is characterized by having longer days than the rest of the seasons since there is more sunlight.

Summer begins between December 21 and 22 in the southern hemisphere, the season of festivals and celebrations since it coincides with the Christmas holidays. On the other hand, in the northern hemisphere, summer begins between June 21 and 22.

This season of the year is generally associated with vacations and leisure. High temperatures often motivate you to make plans and go out into the open air, enjoy nature, beaches, water, among others.


The autumn is the season that runs between summer and winter. During this transition more lowering the temperatures and the days are getting shorter. It is very common to have rainy and windy days.

During this season, plants and trees begin to lose their leaves that will then bloom again in the spring. Autumn is characterized by its reddish and orange colors of the tree leaves.

In the Northern Hemisphere, fall begins between September 23 and 24 and ends between December 21 and 22, when winter begins. In the case of the southern hemisphere, autumn begins at the end of summer between March 21 and 22 and lasts until winter begins in this part of the planet on the dates between June 21 and 22.

According to astronomy, this season begins with the autumnal equinox and extends until the winter solstice.


The winter season is the coldest of the year. During this time the temperatures are very low and the days are shorter and the nights are longer, that is, it gets dark earlier and dawns later. In some areas, due to the low temperatures, there are beautiful snowfalls.

In the southern hemisphere the winter season begins between June 21 and 22 and lasts until the beginning of spring between September 21 and 22. On the contrary, in the northern hemisphere it begins between December 21 and 22 and lasts until the early spring of the hemisphere between March 21 and 22.

In the Northern Hemisphere, during this season the Christmas and New Year holidays are celebrated, which makes it a time of celebration.

With regard to the point of dress of astronomy, this season begins with the winter solstice and ends with the spring equinox. Another fact to keep in mind about this season is that the further we get from the tropics, the more pronounced winters we will find.

The origin of the word winter, derives from the Latin “hibernus” which means “relative to winter”, a concept that in turn emanates from the term “hiems” which translates to cold.

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