Urban and rural population

The urban population is the population of a city while when one speaks of a  rural population, one is referring to the population of the countryside or with a lower population density.

There are very marked differences between the urban and rural population . Among those that stand out are:
* Population density (it is higher in urban areas and lower in rural areas)
* Differences in spaces (in urban populations the spaces are smaller while in rural populations there are ample spaces)
* Pace of life (Much faster is the pace of life of the urban population than in the rural one).
* Pollution (There is more pollution where the urban population lives than where the rural population lives)

Urban population
Rural population
 Population densityHigher population densityLower or low population density
 Economic activityIt is very varied: Commerce, services, industryMainly agricultural-livestock activity
 Housing typeVariety of homes (horizontal and vertical type)Horizontal housing
 Type of transportVarious types of transport: Motorcycles, cars, vans, trucks, public transport (buses, trains, airplanes, etc)In principle it was only blood traction. Currently motorcycles, cars, trucks
 AdvantageTighter hours, as a consequence you live more stressed

Higher cost of living

Less healthy diet

Live with fewer hours, therefore you live less stressed

Lower cost of living

More natural type of diet

 DisadvantagesEducational possibilities at all levels

Greater possibility of having technological and economic resources

Greater chances of finding employment

Most precarious type of education

Fewer technological and economic resources

Greater difficulty in finding employment

 PollutionLittle pollutionA lot of pollution

What is urban population:

It is said that a population is urban when there is a higher population density   with respect to the density of the rural population and that they inhabit industrialized cities. In these urbanized centers there is greater economic, educational and technological development.

In the urban population, houses can be horizontal (that is, one story) or vertical , living in high-rise buildings. This type of population is transported in a variety of vehicles, private or public, from motorcycles, cars, vans, trucks, trains, buses, planes, etc.
The economic activity of the rural population is divided into several sectors, from services, commerce or industries.

Disadvantages of the urban population

One of the major disadvantages of urban populations is that they have to face high levels of pollution due to different causes such as factories, smoke from a large number of vehicles, annoying noise, visual pollution, etc. Another disadvantage in cities is the level of stress that is experienced due to schedules, accelerated rhythms, etc. They cannot enjoy the presence of nature as do those who live in rural areas.

What is rural population:

The rural population is the one that lives in the countryside or in areas with less population density. In general, they are populations with few inhabitants that are a bit far from the cities. The activity of the rural area generally revolves around cattle ranching, agriculture and fishing.

The means of transport in the rural population vary between those of blood traction to motorcycles, cars and trucks. In general, the populations have fewer technological advances, fewer possibilities for education and employment, fewer health opportunities, causes that cause the migration of the population from rural areas to urban areas.

Definition of the term Urban

The term urban simply refers to the region or area that is densely populated and possesses the characteristics of an artificial environment. People who reside in this area are engaged in commerce, industries or services. There is large-scale industrialization that translates into better employment opportunities. Urban settlements are not limited to just cities, but suburbs (suburban areas) are also included.

There are many advantages of living in urban areas, such as easy access to various services , better transportation facilities, entertainment and training options, health facilities. Although it has some drawbacks, such as pollution , caused by large-scale industrialization and means of transportation such as buses, trains, cars, etc., it leads to increased health problems for people living in that area.

Definition of the term rural

We define the term “rural” as a region located on the periphery. It refers to a small settlement, which is outside the limits of a city , a commercial or industrial area. It can include rural areas, towns or villages, where there is natural vegetation and open spaces. There is a low population density in this area.

The main source of income for residents is agriculture and livestock. Cottage industries are also a major source of income here.

In India, a city with a population of less than 15,000 is considered rural, according to the planning commission. Gram Panchayat is responsible for the care of these areas. Furthermore, there is no municipal council in the villages and the maximum percentage of the male population is engaged in agriculture and related activities.

Especially in Europe since the 15th century when rural populations began to migrate to urban centers, leaving many rural areas with almost no population. Although, however, lately there is a possibility of reversing this issue , where the urban population will seek to return to the tranquility of life in the rural area.

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