Responsibility, duty and obligation

In today’s article we will teach you to differentiate the terms responsibility, duty and obligation . Although they seem to be synonyms and are used interchangeably in everyday life, each of them has a particular meaning. Read on to learn and share it on your social media to reach more people.

What is itIt is the state of having some authority or obligation to successfully undertake a task that has been assigned by someone superior or greater, in order to achieve the desired results.It is a moral, legal or professional obligation that a person is obliged to fulfill, otherwise, they have to face a certain punishment or penaltyIt is a bond that obliges us to pay or do something in accordance with the laws and customs of the country in which the obligation is contracted. It is a synonym for duty.
PurposeIts purpose is to know when and how to react or respond to an action committed that caused an effectIts purpose is to force compliance with an action determined by the conditions that a mandate entailsIts purpose is to decide whether or not to respond to something.
ExamplesBe responsible for the acts that we carry out assigned by someone superior.Follow through on what they tell us at work, school, or other commitments.Obligation to pay a certain sum of money to a creditor for the purchase of goods.

Definition of duty

Duty can be defined as a moral, legal or professional obligation that a person is obliged to fulfill, otherwise, he or she has to face a certain punishment or penalty. Determine what a person should have done in the normal course of action in general or in specific circumstances.

The law that governs the country has specified certain duties that all citizens must follow. It exhibits an invisible force that compels a person to do something that is considered correct in the eyes of the law, the failure of which can result in a fine or punishment.

Duty is the compulsory task, conduct, work, or service that arises from an individual’s position, occupation, or function. In management, the word “duty” is used to define the tasks or functions that an employee has to perform, as it is part of their job.

In economics, tariffs are described as a form of tax levied by the government on goods bought or sold to foreign countries. Failure to pay such taxes may result in a penalty for the exporter or importer.

Definition of responsibility

Responsibility refers to the state of having some authority or obligation to successfully undertake a task that has been assigned to you by someone superior or greater , in order to achieve the desired results. It is required to be performed as part of a job or function.

Makes a person responsible for the completion of the task , or the safekeeping of valuables / cash, or the protection of a person. Therefore, the person who assumes responsibility has to be prepared to bear the consequences, for their actions or decisions taken in this regard, which can be positive or negative.

Responsibility often comes with the authority to give instructions and take relevant action when necessary. When authority is delegated to a person, they are held accountable for their performance and the optimal use of the delegated authority. It reflects the trust of the person delegating the authority in the person to whom it is delegated, that the task will be completed accordingly.

Definition of obligation

The requirement to do what is required by law, promise or contract; A must . In its general and broadest sense, obligation is synonymous with duty. In a more technical sense, it is a bond that requires us to pay or do something in accordance with the laws and customs of the country in which the obligation is incurred.

The term obligation also means the instrument or document by which the contract is attested . And in another sense, an obligation still exists, although it is said that the civil obligation is a surety that contains a penalty, with an attached condition for the payment of money, fulfillment of agreements or the like; It differs from a bill that generally has no penalty or condition, although it may be mandatory. It is also defined as an act by which a man undertakes under penalty to do something. The word obligation, in its most technical sense, imports a sealed instrument.

In simple terms, an obligation is a course of action that a person or an institution is obligated to do , whether they like it or not. So, in other words, it is as if you are tied to doing a certain task or duty for a specific period. A financial support to an illegitimate child is expected and obliged to give everything the child needs until he reaches the appropriate age, unless this agreement is not constituted by law and he decides not to fulfill his moral obligation to the child

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