Multiculturalism and interculturality

The multiculturalism and interculturalism are two concept without good are different are closely related. When speaking of multiculturalism, reference is made to preaching cultural diversity including interculturality.

The Multiculturalism is defined as the coexistence or exchange of various cultures in the same geographical or physical place, while multiculturalism defined as the communication horizontally between different groups of people, taking as a fundamental principle the recognition of the identity of each culture.

Next we will detail each one of defines and their main differences.

DefinitionExistence of several cultures that coexist in a common physical, geographical or social space.Relations of exchange and egalitarian communication that are generated between the different cultural groups of society.
Main features-Aspects of a culture in relation to other cultures.
-Many cultures within the same society.
-All cultures are equally worthy and deserve respect.
-Each culture speaks its own language, which causes difficulties when wanting to interact with others.
-Respectful relationship that exists between cultures
-Interaction between members of different cultures.
-With it, it is about breaking marginalization and social exclusion.
-No culture that they relate to is higher than another.

What is multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism is called the existence of several cultures that coexist in a common physical, geographical or social space. This means the coexistence of different cultural customs in the same geographical area.

This situation has existed since ancient civilizations and is a social model that aims to recognize and reduce the inequalities that have been built during colonialism or neocolonialism, despite the fact that today there are still great traces of racism.

Multiculturalism encompasses all the differences that we can find within a culture, be it linguistic, religious, racial, gender, ethnic. This principle deals with recognizing the cultural differences that exist in different areas and promotes the right to such diversity.

From the point of view of sociology or cultural anthropology, multiculturalism is defined as a confirmation that different cultures coexist in the same social or geographical space, but this does not imply that there is a difference and influence between them. It is for this reason that multiculturalism can be observed in the formation of isolated communities in large cities who may have little or no contact with the local community, such is the example of Chinatowns, Italian neighborhoods, among others.

Once the communities manage to generate an exchange with respect and tolerance, it is what many call multiculturalism. At present, different societies are adapting to multiculturalism in a universal way, always seeking to protect different customs and focus mainly on the frequent unequal relations of minorities with respect to majority cultures.

The characteristics of multiculturalism are often diffused in public community schools, where the curricula aim to show young people of different nationalities the forms and benefits of cultural diversity and the importance of mutual respect.

Characteristics of multiculturalism

Among the main characteristics of multiculturalism we can find:

-Promotion of respect and tolerance for cultural differences.

-To banish prejudices and associated stereotypes.

-Generate and promote a harmonious coexistence , understanding and understanding between different cultures.

-Generate positive exchanges between the different groups.

-Admit the diversity of all cultures in all areas and spaces.

-Accept and respect the right to diversity.

-Try to maintain an exchange of respect and tolerance between the different communities.

-Share the different cultures with peace and harmony.

What is interculturality?

The multiculturalism are the terms of trade and equal communication that is generated between different cultural groups in society. This term does not recognize a superiority of one culture over the other, beyond the relationship between the majority and the minority.

This concept aims to build a more democratic society by describing and equally valuing the meanings of the different cultural groups in society. Regardless of the position that subjects occupy within the system, this concept understands the existence of equality between people.

The Unesco defines multiculturalism as “the construction of equitable relationships between individuals, communities, countries and cultures.”

Interculturality aims to describe the interaction between two or more cultures in a horizontal and synergistic way. This wants to show that no cultural group is above the other, thus favoring integration and harmonious coexistence among all individuals.

This type of relationship supposes respect for diversity , beyond the logical conflicts that may arise, it is important that they can be resolved through dialogue, respect and agreement.

Although this concept is relatively new, many researchers in sociology, anthropology, marketing and communication have been working on interculturality with the aim of promoting dialogue and bringing different cultures closer together.

It is evident that this term has as its purpose the vindication and understanding of cultural difference, in attention to variables of a historical, political, cultural, anthropological, environmental type, among others.

Principles of interculturality

The term interculturality supposes the application of different principles that makes this concept more complex. Within these principles we find:

-Recognition of citizenship.

-Rejection of any form of imposition of the hegemonic culture and marginalization of the minority culture.

-Recognition of the right to exercise the original identity of the peoples.

-Understanding and respecting cultures as dynamic phenomena.

-Horizontal communication of different cultures.

Stages of interculturality

Within interculturality we can find different stages that have in common to achieve the objective of this term. As we mentioned earlier, this is a relatively new concept and it is for this reason that re-education is necessary. Let’s see what the different stages are:

The  mutual respect : this stage involves knowledge recognized as equals in the field of trade, recognize the individuality of the other, exercise and promote free expression and mainly listening to each other.

The  horizontal dialogue : they must build relationships with equal opportunities, a landscape mode, a culture never prevail over the other and relativizing one ‘s own point of view.

The  mutual understanding : this stage refers to the empathetic willingness to understand others.

The  synergy : this stage is based on being able to look and focus towards results where diversity strength becomes.

Differences between multiculturalism and interculturality

Although the terms multiculturalism and interculturality are often easily confused, it must be made clear that they do not mean the same thing.

When we speak of multiculturalism, we are referring to the situation in which different cultures coexist in a society and even influence each other, but this can occur beyond mutual recognition or that people relate to each other, that is, different groups Cultural activities can coincide in the same space / time, but without communication between them.

On the other hand, the term interculturality refers to the interaction from an egalitarian point of view between the different cultures or sectors of a society, to the relationship. In other words, it is a relational term. Interculturality is the coexistence of various cultures, based on respect and equality, based on the assumption that all cultures are equally worthy and valuable. It involves a dynamic interaction between cultures.

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