Group and team

group can be defined as a set of people, objects or animals gathered in a circumstantial way or because they share something in common, although they have autonomy in their activities. While a team is when a group of people come together to carry out a job or an activity in which they act collectively.

The most consistent difference lies in the fact that, while the group is plurality in interaction, the team is plurality in integration.

 DefinitionPeople, animals or objects that meet or share certain characteristicsPeople gathered to work as a team with a specific purpose
 objectivesThey can be individualThey are collective

What is a group:

The group is a set of two or more individuals who interact and who may have something in common or be together in a circumstantial way. Human groups are formed because, in general, individuals need others, therefore interaction occurs , although this may or may not favor individuals. When it comes to people, we speak of social groups that acquire importance either for the social development of who is part of the group or for the psychic development, thus being a personal enrichment. We can see it in family groups, in groups that are formed for a particular hobby, in a group of friends, etc.

Examples of groups

Among the examples of groups we can say that there is the group of friends, the family group, a group of animals, the music group, a work group, an orchestra, foundations.

Characteristics of the groups

We can name some of the characteristics of the groups:
* They are formed by two or more individuals
* They are identifiable between the members of the same and by those who are not participants.
Certain structure
* Each member maintains a social role

Types of groups

Taking into account different elements, groups can be divided into different types: Primary, Secondary, reference, membership and non-membership, peers and formal organizations.
But we can also talk about other social groups such as educational groups, recreational groups, economic groups, political groups.
* Primary group: Group formed by few individuals who communicate directly. Example: friends
* Secondary group: Group made up of many individuals who act directly. Example: workers in a perfumery
* Formal group: Group with schemes and rules to achieve objectives. Example: a discussion group
* Informal group:Group formed by members to whom they are united by ties of companionship or affective. For example: Group of work colleagues
* Membership group: Group formed by people who share the same nationality or religion. For example Italians, Spanish, Catholics

What is a team:

It is understood as a plurality, in interaction with a link value, that determines the psychological emergency. The plurality, the interaction and the link produce in turn their systemic emergence. They are people who come together for a certain purpose that they share. Its members need to have cohesion in order to obtain the desired results. To do this, they  collaborate with all the members of the team.

We can say that team building has benefits, especially in work teams or sports teams, because it makes the objectives achieved by achieving competitive advantages. For example, in companies, costs are lowered, productivity and product quality are improved in addition to sales. While in sports teams victories are achieved.

Equipment examples

In sports for example, we can see soccer teams, rugby teams, volleyball teams, baseball teams, basketball teams, etc. All teams are led by someone, in sport they are the captains. Although the members of the team have different positions, they all strive for a common goal. In sports, it is the triumph of said team and to achieve it everyone strives together. Among other examples of teams we can name work teams, technological teams, health teams, etc.

Equipment characteristics

There are certain characteristics of the teams that we can summarize in:
* All the members must be collaborators and know how to maintain the unity of the team
* They all have a common goal and they all learn from everyone
* The teams are formed with different people , a characteristic that enriches the team
* There must be motivation
* Figure of a leader (or captain).

Equipment types

There are different types of work teams and also various classifications according to certain variables such as formality, performance time, purpose, hierarchy of team members, formality, type of operation, etc. We will analyze them.

Taking into account the hierarchy

* Horizontal: when the team members are in the same window at the time of decision-making.
* Vertical: The team members occupy different positions and positions, therefore they have different hierarchies.

Taking into account the degree of formality

* Formal: When a team is formed with a pre-established objective.
* Informal: When teams improvise for a specific issue or for social purposes.

Taking into account the operating time

* Permanent: They are teams that function indefinitely regardless of whether they have achieved the goals and objectives.
* Temporary: A team is created with a specific purpose or an eventuality that arises at a certain time. When it is solved the team dissolves.

Taking into account the role of the workplace

* Decision-making: They are the teams that determine how to follow
* Conflict resolution: The teams formed are responsible for resolving conflicts
* Production: They are the teams that motivate to obtain the best results

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