80 examples of homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures

The homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures are different combinations of two or more elements or substances. These mixtures are essential for life on Earth, they can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Next we will see examples of each of them.

Homogeneous mixturesHeterogeneous Mixtures
DefinitionThey are those mixtures in which each of the components that have been used in it cannot be differentiated with the naked eye.They are those mixtures in which if you can see at first glance, you can see the different components that have been used since they are usually unevenly distributed.
Separation methods-Extraction
-Café sugar
-Water sea
-Milk chocolatada
-The steel
-Water and spirit
He came
-Preparation cake
deodorant spray -The
-Creams body
-The concrete
-Water oil
-the glue
-The salads
-the air and gasoline
-Strawberry nuts
-Juice fruit
Go out and pepper

Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures

Mixtures are widely used in the daily life of human beings. To achieve a mixture it is necessary to unite two or more substances until a joint matter is formed. Although when joining the components they are mixed, they continue to maintain their chemical properties and can generally be separated again by means of different procedures. A mixture can be made with substances in liquid, solid or gaseous state.

There are two types of mixes:

-Homogeneous : They are those mixtures in which each of the components that have been used in it cannot be differentiated with the naked eye.

– Heterogeneous: They are those mixtures in which if you can see at first you see the different components that have been used since they are usually unevenly distributed.

Difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures

The main difference between these two types of mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous) is the capacity in which the elements or substances that compose them can be differentiated from one another.

In the case of homogeneous mixtures, the elements, substances or components are united in such a way that they are not distinguishable, unlike heterogeneous mixtures where these elements, substances or components can be observed.

Another difference between the two mixtures is in the methods used to separate these mixtures:

In the case of homogeneous mixtures , the main methods for separating their elements or components are:

-Extraction: It is done through polarity.

-Chromatography: it is about the interaction of solutes in different phases.

-Crystallization: It is the use of different temperature, pressure and solubility.

-Evaporation: It consists of the separation using the change from liquid to gaseous state.

-Distillation: Using the different boiling points.

In the case of heterogeneous mixtures, the main methods for separating their elements are:

-Filtration: Through this method solids are separated from liquids.

-Screening: Sifting consists of passing a mixture of particles of different sizes through a sieve or sieve. The smaller particles will pass through the pores of the sieve, passing through it and the large ones will be retained by it. For example sand is separated from silt.

-Centrifugation: Performed by means of centrifugal force.

-Imantation: It consists of the separation of metals from solids or liquids.

-Decantation: It is the division of sediments by the force of gravity. Although at a certain moment the liquids in the mixture may seem mixed, if we let them settle they settle out
, this means that they are arranged in layers according to the order of density.Homogeneous mixtures

Homogeneous mixtures are known as those mixtures where their components cannot be differentiated with the naked eye. The types of homogeneous mixtures in the liquid state are known as solutions and are made up of a solute and a solvent . The most predominant component in the mixture is the solute and the least abundant is the solvent.

Usually in solutions, the liquid or solvent is usually water and the solute can be another liquid or a solid that is dissolved when it is thrown into the solvent.

Examples of homogeneous mixtures

1. Air: Air is composed of different gases such as nitrogen, argon, oxygen and carbon dioxide, among others, which cannot be distinguished with the naked eye.

2. Coffee with sugar: When we mix the coffee with sugar, we can stop seeing this white color of the sugar and we will only see the mixture.

3. Sea water: Sea water is made up of salts and other components dissolved in it and although we can feel the salty on the lips or on the skin, we cannot distinguish the salt from the water with the naked eye.

4. Chocolate milk: In chocolate milk its components cannot be distinguished with the naked eye.

5. Steel: Steel is made up of an alloy of iron, which is its base metal, and other metallic or non-metallic components such as carbon, nickel or copper, depending on the type of steel that is being sought. The result is a joint metal on which the components cannot be distinguished and which combines their physical properties.

6. Water and alcohol: This mixture can be appreciated for example in the preparation of different cocktails, where we will see the final result without being able to distinguish each of its ingredients.

7. Wine: Wine is made up of water, sugar, yeast and fruits that are mixed evenly to achieve the final result.

8. Olive oil: Olive oil forms a homogeneous mixture.

9. Cake preparation: In this preparation we will not be able to see each of the ingredients that have been used. This mixture can be made up of flour, milk, butter, eggs and sugar, among other ingredients.

10. Alpaca: Alpaca is a solid mixture made up of zinc, copper and nickel. All of these substances cannot be seen with the naked eye.

11. Paint: Paint is a mixture of different components that we cannot see individually.

12. Aerosol deodorants: This is a mixture of fragrance and chemical agents such as alcohol and isobutane, pressurized in the can.

13. Body creams: Although body creams can be made up of different components, the naked eye will not be able to distinguish between them.

14. Coffee with milk: When preparing a coffee with milk, we will see that a homogeneous liquid mixture is formed in which its ingredients cannot be identified with the naked eye, which will be coffee, water and milk.

15. White gold. This solid mixture is composed of at least two metallic substances, generally it is manufactured from nickel, silver and gold.

16. Flour with sugar: This is another mixture widely used in cooking.

17. Salt water: The salt that we dilute in water cannot be detected separately from it.

18. Mayonnaise: Mayonnaise is a dressing that has different substances combined such as egg, lemon and oil.

19. Commercial milk: It is milk that has received a homogenization and pasteurization treatment.

20. Perfumes: Perfumes are a homogeneous mixture.

21. Pizza dough: This dough is a homogeneous mixture that contains flour, yeast, water, salt, among other ingredients.

22. Bronze: Bronze is a homogeneous substance composed of tin and copper.

23. Artificial juice: Powdered juices that are prepared with water are homogeneous mixtures.

24. Butter: The butter or butter is composed of different ingredients that we cannot observe separately.

25. Gelatin: Gelatin is a preparation that is composed of powdered gelatin and water. It makes up a homogeneous mixture since both substances are mixed in a uniform way.

26. Soft Drinks: Soft drinks are homogeneous mixtures of flavorings, sweeteners and carbonated water.

27. Detergent and water: When dissolving detergent in water we will find a homogeneous mixture since a single base is identified.

28. Chlorine and water: By joining both substances in the same container and it is impossible to detect them at first glance since they make up a single phase.

29. Tea: When preparing a tea we will not be able to see the water and the infusion generated separately.

30. Muriatic acid: It is a combination of hydrochloric acid and water.

31. Invar: It is a homogeneous mixture composed of nickel and iron.

32. Alnico: Alnico is an alloy composed of cobalt, aluminum, and nickel.

33. Commercial chlorine: This mixture is composed of a little sodium hypochlorite dissolved in water.

34. Sunscreens: This is a homogeneous mixture where we will not be able to see the different components separately.

35. Cleaning liquids: Another clear example of a homogeneous mixture.

36. Ketchup Sauce: This condiment is made up of various ingredients that will appear in a homogeneous mixture.

37. Shampoo: It is a homogeneous mixture of surfactants, fragrance and cleaning agents.

38. Oil: Oil is a homogeneous mixture, where we can see each of its components with the naked eye.

39. Caustic soda: It is a homogeneous mixture of water and sodium hydroxide.

40. Sourdough to make bread.

Heterogeneous mixtures

The heterogeneous mixtures are those that are composed of solids, liquids, gases or combinations among them. In general, these combinations are produced by mechanical mixing procedures, by means of which great changes are not generated in the substances used in the mixture. Although these different substances maintain their identities, they can give rise to suspensions, colloids, alloys and other mixtures that will not be very easy to separate.

Examples of heterogeneous mixtures

41. Concrete: Concrete is a mixture of cement, water and aggregates in certain that together they form a paste.

42. Water with oil: Water and oil are immiscible, that is, these two liquids will not join and will remain separated from each other, giving rise to clearly recognizable bubbles.

43. The paste: It is a mixture generated by combining water with flour. We can see that both mix clearly and although they cannot be easily separated, if you can distinguish the solid from the liquid.

44. Salads: A salad is a heterogeneous mixture that combines different vegetables, seeds and other foods to taste that will be eaten together, but that with great patience could be separated.

45. Air and gasoline: Inside an internal combustion engine, a combination of fuel and air is injected that generates a controlled explosion of fuel and this results in movement. This mix requires both to work.

46. ​​Vinaigrette: The mixture of oil, vinegar and salt used to season salads is called vinegar.

47. Blood: Blood is a mixture of cells (white blood cells and red blood cells), plasma, lipoproteins, proteins and salts that are distributed through the circulatory pathways.

48. Aerosols: Aerosol cans are made up of a combination of compressed gas.

49. Concrete: Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand and water that is used in construction.

50. Fruit juice: when liquefying a fruit with water we will be able to see that there are pieces of fruit that, when the juice is left standing for a while, will settle at the bottom of the container.

51. Gravel: Gravel is a mixture of crushed stones with different sizes and compositions.

52. Salt and pepper: The mixture of salt and ground pepper is a mixed bag.

53. Carbonated drinks: They are made up of the combination of sugar, water, colorants, flavorings and carbon dioxide.

54. Cornstarch and water: When mixing cornstarch or fine corn flour with water we will obtain a heterogeneous mixture that is generally used to thicken soups or creams.

55. Beaten egg: The egg is made up of the yolk and the white that have different compositions.

56. Mix of nuts: We can clearly see each of the ingredients that there is.

57. India ink: India ink is a mixture of soot and water that is used for writing or drawing.

58. Cod liver oil: This oil is also known as Scott emulsion, and it consists of a mixture of fatty acids and vitamins in water, and is used to supplement children.

59. Stones: The vast majority of stones have differences in their composition that make them heterogeneous.

60. Cupcakes with chocolate chips: In this preparation we can see the cupcake and the chocolate chips separately.

61. Broths: Broths are a mixture of fat, vegetables, protein, and salt.

62. Calima or haze: It is a mist or fog that is generated by sand particles in the air.

63. Pure milk: Milk is a mixture of casein, lactose, fat and whey that can separate into two phases.

64. Bee pollen: It is a mixture of pollen from flowers, nectar and secretions produced by bees.

65. Soil: Soil is a combination of organic matter, rocks, air, and water.

66. Granite: It is an igneous rock composed of quartz, feldspar, mica, and other minerals.

67. Powdered laundry detergent: Certain commercial detergents have colored particles in their composition, which are found distributed throughout the content.

68. Exfoliating gel: Certain exfoliating gels have particles that serve as abrasives to remove old skin cells.

69. Smoke: Smoke is a heterogeneous gaseous mixture of volatile compounds resulting from combustion.

70. Cereals with milk: Clearly in this mixture you can see both ingredients.

71. Milk of magnesia: This milk is made up of magnesium hydroxide, calcium hypochlorite and water and is used as a laxative. Always shake it before use.

72. Amber: Amber is a plant resin of variable composition.

73. Water and sand: When we mix water with sand, we can see that the sand is deposited at the bottom of the container, unless it is constantly stirred.

74. Mud: Mud is a combination of earth and water that separates after a certain period of rest.

75. Crunchy peanut butter: When we are in front of this food we can distinguish between the cream and the peanut pieces.

76. Wheat flour and brown sugar: Here we are facing a mixture from which we can differentiate both ingredients at a glance.

77. Toothpaste: Several toothpastes have components that can be differentiated with the naked eye.

78. Potatoes and egg: By joining both ingredients we can clearly see each of them separately.

79. Polenta with stew: In this meal we can see on the one hand the polenta or would make of corn and on the other the sauce that accompanies it.

80. Beer with foam: In this case we can clearly see the beer on one side and the foam on top.

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