Acronym and acronym

The difference between acronym and acronym is that, although both seek to abbreviate a more complex denomination, the acronym uses the initial letter of each word or concept, while the acronym randomly uses letters of the words so that the “abbreviation” is can read as a word.

Below we explain in more detail the differences between the acronym and the acronym.


What is an acronym?

The acronym is a type of acronym, therefore, like an acronym, it seeks to reduce a broader concept to something simpler. The acronym differs from the acronym because the acronym is easier to memorize and often often replaces the full or formal name.

The number of acronyms increases due to the influence of English, its general use to identify institutions and, even, due to its use in marketing strategies such as, for example:

  • Conagua: National Water Commission, in Mexico
  • INE: National Electoral Institute, in Mexico and Argentina, or National Institute of Statistics, in Chile.
  • Conacyt: National Council of Science and Technology, in Mexico
  • Unesco: comes from the acronym in English for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  • IKEA: design and furniture company that uses as an acronym the name of its founder, the city and the farm where he grew up to form an easy to memorize name.

What is an acronym?

The acronym is the reduction of the formal name of an organization, company, community or movement by taking the initial of each relevant word of the name, such as:

  • LGBT: Movement to fight for equality movements for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders;
  • CCTV: Closed Circuit Television which translates into Spanish as “closed circuit television”;
  • CDMX: Mexico City;
  • SCT: Secretariat of Communications and Transportation in Mexico;
  • MMS: Multimedia Message Service that translates into Spanish as “multimedia message service”;
  • OAS: Organization of American States;
  • WHO: World Health Organization.

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