50 examples of moral and ethical values

You may have heard these terms and wondered what the difference is. Many people think of them as the same, but they are not. While closely related concepts, moral values refer primarily to guiding principles, and ethical values refer to specific rules and actions or behaviors.

A moral precept is an idea or opinion driven by the desire to be good. A code of ethics is a set of rules that defines allowed actions or correct behavior. The concepts are similar, but there are some subtle differences. Read on for more information.

ethical values
Moral values
Origin of the wordThe word ethics originated from the Greek word ethos. The meaning of ethos is a characterThe word moral originated from the Latin word Mos. The meaning of Mos is custom.
AcceptabilityLegal guidelines and professional rules govern ethics. The acceptability of ethics is limited to a particular space and time frame.When it comes to the acceptability of morality, it transcends the norms established by culture.
PerspectiveEthics depend on the prism of others.Morality is viewed from the perspective of an individual.
Shift / FlexibilityIf the contexts are different, the ethics could be different, so there is a degree of flexibility in the ethics.The change in morality depends on the change in an individual’s beliefs.
Why is it stillEthics are followed because society has decided that it is the correct course of action.Morality is followed because a person believes that it is the correct course of action.
InterrelationA person who follows ethical principles does not necessarily need to have strong moral values; in fact, there are even chances that he has no morals.There may be situations in which a moral person violates ethics to uphold his moral values.
Religious connotationEthics is something that is usually associated in the field of law, medicine or business. Ethics do not have a religious connotation.Morality has a religious connotation.

50 examples of moral and ethical values

Moral values:

  1. It is bad to steal candy (based on the value of honesty).
  2. Helping a friend is a good thing (based on the value of friendship).
  3. It is bad to skip a workout (based on the value of a healthy lifestyle).
  4. Working late into the night is a good thing (based on the value of success).
  5. Saving your marriage is a good way to move on (based on the value of commitment).
  6. He always tells the truth, the lie has short legs.
  7. Do not destroy the property, it is not correct for you to touch things that do not belong to you.
  8. Have courage, face difficult times to get ahead.
  9. Keep your promises, and don’t promise anything you can’t keep.
  10. Don’t cheat, you can get there by doing things right.
  11. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  12. Do not judge anyone or anything, appearance is not the essence.
  13. Be a trustworthy person so the rest can lean on you.
  14. Be lenient when it comes to having to forgive an action or punish someone.
  15. Have integrity in our actions, do the right thing with commitment. ethics and honesty.
  16. Take responsibility for your actions and pay for damages and mistakes.
  17. Be patient with other people and know how to listen.
  18. Be loyal to those who trust and appreciate you.
  19. Respect yourself and others. Do not disrespect on any occasion.
  20. Be tolerant of the differences of others and know how to accept them as they are.
  21. Seeking justice and not resorting to an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
  22. Have humility in all aspects of life, not just money.
  23. Be generous, there is nothing more pleasant than giving.

Ethical values:

  1. Doctors are bound by a strict code of ethics when taking the Hippocratic Oath. They are bound by the “do no harm” rule and can be held liable if they do harm to their patients.
  2. An organization like PETA, which stands for “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,” takes legal action against those who do not treat animals ethically.
  3. Employees often sign a code of ethics, which includes keeping important matters confidential and not stealing in the workplace, both of which would be liable to termination.
  4. Defense attorneys are ethically bound to defend their clients to the best of their ability, even if they are morally opposed to their clients’ crimes. Breaking this code of ethics could result in a mistrial or disqualification.
  5. A student who helps another student to cheat on a test is breaking the ethics of his school. Although they do it for a moral reason (to help a friend), they are committing an ethical violation and can be punished.
  6. People must be ethically responsible both in their work environment and in their daily life, just for the fact of living in society. They must be responsible for their acts committed.
  7. The psychologist has an ethical duty to maintain the confidentiality of his meetings with his patients, and may suffer a series of consequences if he reveals improper information.
  8. Companies must conduct ethical competition with each other, that is, without causing damages to each other.
  9. It should appeal to the inclusion of people in all areas of life regardless of the differences that exist between them.
  10. A person must be ethically kind to everyone around him.
  11. People in general must be ethically open-minded, that is, accept everyone for who they are or say they are.
  12. Another ethical value is respect for human rights and dignity.
  13. It is ethically correct to be transparent, that is, to show emotions and always go with the truth.
  14. Respect is one of the most important ethical values, this includes: respect for limits, respect for others, respect for human rights. and dignity, among others.
  15. It is ethically correct personal congruence, that is, to have your thoughts, words and actions aligned.
  16. You must assume the responsibilities of the acts performed and pay for them if necessary.
  17. Global vision of the world
  18. Greater good
  19. Long term thinking
  20. Moral conscience
  21. Mortgage benefit
  22. Support for the well-being of others
  23. Sustainability
  24. Altruism
  25. Avoid harm
  26. Benevolence
  27. Caution (choosing safe and healthy ingredients in food products, for example)

What do moral values ​​mean

A person’s idea of ​​morality tends to be determined by the environment around him (and sometimes by his belief system). Moral values ​​shape a person’s ideas about right and wrong . They often provide the ideas that guide ethical systems, and that’s where it gets tricky… morality is the foundation of ethics . A moral person wants to do the right thing and a moral impulse generally means better intentions.

What do ethical values ​​mean?

Ethics differs from morality in that it is much more practical. An ethical value does not have to be moral, as it is just a set of rules that people must follow . Various professional organizations (such as the American Bar Association and the American Medical Association) have created codes of ethics specific to their respective fields. In other words, a code of ethics has nothing to do with cosmic righteousness or a set of beliefs, but rather a set of rules written by business groups to ensure that members do not get in trouble and act in a way. that gives credit to the profession.

Ethics are not always moral … and vice versa

It is important to know that the ethical is not always the moral and vice versa . Omerta, for example, is a code of silence that was developed among members of the mafia and used to protect criminals from the police. This follows the rules of ethically correct behavior for the organization, but can also be seen as wrong from a moral point of view.

A moral action can also be unethical. An attorney who tells the court that his client is guilty may be acting out of a moral desire for justice to be served, but this is deeply unethical because it violates attorney-client privilege.

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